Ocean Prediction Networking (OPNet)
Welcome to the Ocean Prediction Networking wiki.
The objective of these pages is to inform about the project and to make presentations delivered at the various OPNet seminars available.
The project is a collobarative project by and between the Norwegian Meteorological Institute met.no, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center NERSC, Institute of Marine Research IMR and Norwegian Institute for Water Research NIVA
Project leader is Lars Petter Røed, met.no/UiO
The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway RCN. Project started January 1, 2007 and estimated ending date is December 31, 2010. The project was officially ended by hosting a final seminar May 11 and 12, 2011, and is thus completed.
About OPNet
The overall objective is to strengthen and formalize collaboration among Norwegian institutes actively involved in research and development related to marine forecasting. The collaboration is through organization of a series of formal seminars in which all partners are required to attend and to give contributions. The seminars involves discussion of methods (models), tools and systems whereby forecasts of physical and biogeochemical variables can be evaluated, forecast skills measured, and to recommend avenues whereby improvements can be made.
Specific objectives are:
- To monitor and discuss existing forecast products and their performance to help improving the tools and the methods used to produce the ocean forecasts
- To develop common validation tools that can be run to provide measures of the forecast skill
- To develop our understanding of the strength and weaknesses of the different model modules used by the partners
The approach is to arrange two-day long seminars twice a year at Geilo, Norway. One to be held in spring and one in the fall. At least two scientists from each of the partners must attend each seminar.
Also representatives from selected user group (e.g., offshore industry, yachtsmen, fishermen, governmental authorities, search and rescue organizations) and from foreign national groups dedicated to ocean prediction research are invited.
On the agenda is to discuss ocean prediction products, that is, tools and methods whereby they are produced, observational methods (in situ vs. satellite), data assimilation methods, numerical methods and numerical model implementations. Also results originating from other projects of relevance are discussed.
We emphasize that no research per se is pursued. The underlying idea is that by organizing seminars at which views on how to improve ocean predictions are exchanged, the seminars should lead to an increased understanding of the weaknesses and strengths of the different forecast systems used by the various partners, and thereby lead to possibilities for efficient refinements and improvements. Another important outcome is that the seminars should lead to collaborative research proposals and research. One such example is the European project MyOcean funded by the EU Commission.
Expected achievements:
- A strengthening of the national collaboration between Norwegian institutes actively involved in ocean forecasting
- A streamlining of techniques and tools whereby national Norwegian forecasts are made
- An increased exchange of information between the partners and the participants
- An improvement in the numerical models and techniques used for ocean prediction in Norway
- An increased awareness internationally of the status of Norwegian ocean prediction
- The Norwegian institutions become attractive partners in upcoming international collaborative projects funded under EU FP7
Project period and seminars
Project started January 1, 2007 and ended December 31, 2007. A total of eight seminars were arranged as follows:
- April 14-15, 2007. 1st Seminar and kick off
- November 6-7, 2007. 2nd Seminar.
- May 14-15, 2008. 3rd Seminar.
- November 6-7, 2008. 4th Seminar.
- May 14-15, 2009. 5th Seminar.
- May 14-15, 2010. 6th Seminar.
- December 19-20, 2010. 7th Seminar
- May 11-12, 2011: 8th and Final Seminar.
Seminar guests
- Dr. Pierre Bahurel, Mercator Ocean, 3rd and Final Seminar
- Kjersti Bruserud, Statoil, 3rd seminar
- Prof. Nadia Pinardi, INGV, University of Bologna, 4th and Final Seminar
- Prof. Antonio Navarra, CECC, Italy, 4th Seminar
- Prof. Joseph H. LaCasce, Dep. Geosciences, University of Oslo, 4th Seminar
- Prof. Jarle Berntsen, Math. Inst., University of Bergen, 4th Seminar
- Prof. Scott Glenn, Rutgers University, USA, 5th Seminar
- Dr. Mike Bell, UK Met Office, UK, 6th and Final Seminar
- Dr. Colin K. Grant, BP, UK, Final Seminar
Summary of seminars and presentations
Below follows a summary of the eight seminars, including the program, name of participants and title of presentations. Most presentation may be downloaded from this site.
1st Seminar April 17-18, 2007, Geilo (kick off)
Program and attendees
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcoming address LPR
- Jon Albretsen, met.no: Validering av havvarsler: Filosofi og eksempler
- Morten Skogen, IMR: Modellvalidering - Metoder og erfaringer
- Arne Melsom, met.no: Partikkelbaneberegninger fra ensemblekjøringer med MIPOM
- Anette Samuelsen, NERSC: Om kobling av biogeokjemiske modellmoduler i HYCOM
- Johnny Johannessen, NERSC: Arctic Marine Core Services
- Johnny Johannessen, NERSC: Arctic Marine Core Services continue
- Bjørn Ådlandsvik, IMR: Erfaringer med bruk av ROMS og eksempler fra simuleringer
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Resultater fra sammenlikningen av POM, ROMS og HYCOM i prosjektet CONMAN
- Henning Wehde, IMR: Transport av vannmasser i Nordsjøen ved bruk av en Lagrangsk modell og ferrybox data
- Jon Albretsen, met.no: Sjøtilstandsavhengig vindpådrag for havmodeller
- Vidar Lien, IMR: Analyse av resultater fra simuleringer med ROMS
- Pål Erik Isachsen, NIVA: Simuleringer av spredning for oppdrettssnæringen basert på ROMS
Presentations, except for welcoming address are unfortunately lost due to disk crash.
2nd Seminar November 6-7, 2007, Geilo
Program and attendees
- Harald Engedahl, met.no: Operational wave and ocean models at met.no - Status and future plans (in Norwegian)HE
- Einar Svendsen, IMR et al.: Operational oceanography and the ecosystem approach ES_1
- Laurent Bertino, NERSC, Knut Arild Lisæter and Goran Zangana, NERSC: The TOPAZ operational system at NERSC LB
- Jon Albretsen, met.no, Jørn Kristiansen and Morten Køltzow, met.no: Atmosphere models at met.no JA
- Cecilie Hansen, NERSC and Annette Samuelsen, NERSC: Hycom-Norwecom: Results and future plans CH
- Arne Melsom, met.no: Validation of a 4km model ensemble AM
- Pål Erik Isachsen, met.no: A 0.5×0.5 degree hydrographic montly climatology in the northern North Atlantic based on HdroBase2 (presentation not available)
- Henning Wehde, Dominique Durand, Pierre Jaccard and Kai Sørensen, NIVA: Update on Ferrybox - Improvement of process understanding through the use of high frequent Ferrybox observations HW
- Arild Sundfjord, NIVA: Vertical mixing in the marginal ice zone in the Barents Sea (in Norwegian) AS
- Bjørn Ådlandsvik, IMR: How important is the open boundary for the modeling of the North Sea (in Norwegian) BÅ
- Johnny A. Johannessen, NERSC: Update and status of MyOcean including evaluation results JAJ
- Kjell Arne Mork, and Einar Svendsen, IMR/BCCR: Argo Norway ES_2
3rd Seminar May 14-15, 2008
Program and attendees
Special guest were:
- Dr. Pierre Bahurel, Mercator Ocean, France. Pierre is Head of Mercator Ocean and Coordinator of MyOcean
- MSc. Kjersti Bruserud, Statoil, Norway. Representative of the metocean group at Statoil.
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcoming address: Challenges ahead LPR
- Pierre Bahurel, Mercator Ocean: Mercator Ocean and the MyOcean Project
- Kjersti Bruserud, Statoil: Metocean in StatoilHydro
- Pål Erik Isachsen, met.no: Implementation of the TOPAZ ocean prediction system at met.no
- Laurent Bertino, NERSC: Recent assessments and improvements of the TOPAZ ocean prediction system
- Pavel Sakov, NERSC: Assimilation of ARGO profiles in the TOPAZ ocean prediction system
- Ingunn Burud, met.no: Tests of the SEIK assimilation method
- Ana Carrasco, met.no: Status operational models at met.no
- Bruce Hackett, met.no: Oil drift emergency services: Some examples from MERSEA
- Arild Sundfjord, NIVA: Discharges from rivers and land – what can NIVA provide for operational models AS
- Henning Wedhe, NIVA: INTERRISK services: Results and discussion of a user query HW
- Bjørn Ådlandsvik, IMR: Towards operational larvae drift predictions BÅ
- Einar Svendsen, IMR: Monitoring using the IMR ARGO buoys, and ICES focus on opearational oceanography ES
4th Seminar November 6-7, 2008, Geilo
Program and attendees
Special guests:
- Prof. Nadia Pinardi, University of Bologna, Italy, Head Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network (MOON)
- Prof. Antonio Navarra, Head Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC), Italy
- Prof. Jarle Bertnsen, Mathematical Institute, University of Bergen
- Prof. Joseph H. LaCasce, Institute of Geosciences, Section Meteorology and oceanography, University of Oslo
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcoming address
- Lars Petter Røed and Jon Albretsen, met.no: Result from four 27 year long, eddy permitting simulations using ROMS and MIPOM LPR
- Bruce Hackett, met.no: MyOcean at met.no
- All: MyOcean in Norway. How do we organize ourselves
- Johnny A. Johannessen, NERSC: Speed calculations using satellite imagery JAJ
- Ana Carrasco, met.no: Validation of a limited-area wave ensemble prediction system for the Nordic Seas and the North Sea
- Einar Svendsen, IMR with input from many others: Oceanography and the Ecosystem Approach ES
- Annette Samuelsen, NERSC: Forecasting of primary production in the Nordic seas and the Arctic AS
- Frode Vikebø, and Bjørn Ådlandsvik, IMR: Operational fish larvae drift modelling - updates and validation FV
- Yvonne Gusdal, met.no: Drift of oil and fish larvae – updates on the LEO project YG
- Jarle Berntsen, UiB: Observation and model systems for local scale domains such as harbours and narrow channels JB
- Nadia Pinardi, MOON/University of Bologna, Italy: The operational oceanographic service for sustainable development and management of marine resources: the Mediterranean Sea case
- Antonio Navarra, CMCC, Italy: The Euro Mediterranean Center for Climate Research
- Joe LaCasce, UiO: The Poleward experiment update
- Laurent Bertino, NERSC: Updates regarding the TOPAZ system
- Arne Melsom, met.no: Results from selected ensemble experiments: Implications and limitations
- Henning Wehde, NIVA: News from NIVA with a few slides embedded with hello from Corinna Schrum, UiB
5th Seminar May 27-28, 2009, Geilo
Program and attendees
Special guest:
- Prof. Scott Glenn, Coastal Ocean Observatory Lab (COOL), Rutgers University, USA
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcoming address
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Coastal and ocean predictions on yr.no LPR
- F. Høydalsvik, C. Mauritzen, met.no, C. Lee, J. Gobat, WHOI, and K.A. Orvik, IMR: Note on iAOOS gliders at met.no Presentation given by Lars Petter Røed LPR_2
- Scott Glenn, RU COOL, USA: The regional-scale coastal ocean observatory at Rutgers University: Applications and science
- Laurent Bertino, NERSC: Current TOPAZ developments: HYCOM and assimilation LB
- Morten Skogen, IMR: North Sea eutrophication assessment MDS
- Cecilie Hansen, NERSC: High resolution modelling in the Nordic Seas CH
- Arne Melsom, met.no: Validation of a decadal twin simulation with ROMS and the GISS AOGCM
- Jon Albretsen and Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Validation of decadal simulations of mesoscale structures in the North Sea and Skagerrak. JA.
- Ann Kristin Sperrevik, met.no: Modeling tides: Validation
- Henning Wedhe, NIVA: Update on NIVAs activities, MyOcean and collaboration in the North
- Johnny A. Johannessen, NERSC: Using speed-gun in space for surface velocity estimates
- Einar Svendsen, IMR: EMECO – European Marine Ecosystem Observatory ES
6th Seminar May 27-28, 2010, Geilo
Program and attendees
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcoming address
- Mike Bell, UK Met Office, UK: Operational oceanography at UK Met Office: Research and Development MJB
- Lars Petter Røed, and Jon Albretsen, met.no: Analysis of four decadal simulations of the Skagerrak mesoscale circulation using two ocean models LPR
- Bjørn Ådlandsvik, IMR: The Norwegian Coastal Model BAa
- Henning Wehde, IMR: IMR Operational Observations - Update on the fixed stations HW
- All, Plenary discussion on:
- GMES Surface Wave forecasting: met.no coordinates a proposal to EU
- MyOcean II: More of the same or less R and more D
- National added value of ongoing projects, e.g., MyOcean, BarentsWatch,.
- Coordination of activities in international for, e.g., NOOS, ArcticROOS, EuroGOOS, ICES-WGOOFE,.
- How does our activities contribute to MFSD?
- Mutual information of upcoming project proposals and projects
- Einar Svendsen, IMR: tba
- Dominique Durand, NIVA: tba
- Bruce Hackett, met.no: Operational models at met.no: Status and future
- Øyvind Sætra, met.no: Why ocean models need sea state dependent momentum fluxes
- Ann Kristin Sperrevik, met.no: Assimilation of in situ data in ROMS
- Dominique Durand, NIVA: Ferrybox and biogeochemical data in MyOcean … what comes next with EC-Jerico?
- Ehouarn Simon, NERSC: Non-Guassianity and biased parameter estimation of an ocean biological system with EnKF
- Einar Svendsen, IMR: tba
7th Seminar November 3-4, 2010, Oslo
Program and attendees
The seminar was devoted to a discussion of a possible application for an SFF based on an earlier application by the OPNet project partners.
The following participated in the seminar:
- Johnny A. Johannessen and Laurent Bertino, NERSC
- Bruce Hackett, Arne Melsom, Lars Anders Breivik, Lars Petter Røed, met.no
- Einar Svendsen, IMR
No formal presentations were made.
OPNet Final Seminar May 11-12, 2011
May 11, 2011
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcome Day 1
- Øystein Hov, Research Director, met.no: Welcoming address
- Pierre Bahurel, Mercator Ocean, France: Mercator Ocean, experience & perspectives in ocean prediction PB
- Nadia Pinardi, INGV & University of Bologna, Italy: The Mediterranean Ocean Forecasting System – the last 10 years of development NP
- Mike Bell, UK Met Office, UK: The current accuracy of FOAM forecasts and future priorities MJB
- Scott Glenn, Rutgers University, USA: The Mid Atlantic Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System – From observations to forecasting SG
May 12, 2011
- Lars Petter Røed, met.no: Welcome Day 2
- Colin Grant, BP, UK: Ocean predictions and the oil and gas industry – room for improvement CG
- Lars Anders Breivik, met.no: Why we need fine scale ocean predictions LAB
- Johnny Johannessen, NERSC, B. Chapron, F. Collard, and V. Kudryavtsev: Framework for consistent interpretations of multi-sensor satellite data – future possibilities and needs JAJ
- Morten D. Skogen, IMR: Does operational oceanography really address the needs of fisheries and applied environmental scientists? MDS
- Kenneth Johannessen Eik, Statoil: Metocean at Statoil KJE
- Karen-Helen Doublet, met.no: Ocean Forecasting Practice KHB
- Hilde Dolva, NCA, Horten: Oilsspill incidents and the need for improved coastal predictions HD
- Øyvind Sætra and Kai H. Christensen, met.no: MyWave – towards a new pan-European GMES wave forecast service ØS
- Jan-Kristian Jensen, NDE: Military applications of ocean models JKJ