
ECOOP WP9.2 EuroDeSS Demonstrations

This webpage describes the demonstrations of the Decision Support Systems (DeSS) in ECOOP, as described by task 9.2. Below we outline the objectives and the different subtask. The subtasks has been divided into fast track services that will demonstrate the DeSS during the Target Operational Period (TOP)

Develop targeted application elements of an integrated EuroDeSS according to the specifications laid down in Task 9.1. Demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of EuroDeSS through user-oriented demonstrations in a representative range of European coastal areas.

The targeted applications to be developed cover three key GMES/GEO marine service areas: marine security (oil spill and search-and-rescue response support), ecosystem health (eutrophication, algal blooms) and fisheries assessment. Development is carried out on a limited number of well-established, state-of-the-art systems. The developed target services aim to embody best practises for similar decision support systems, and provide a framework for establishing local, regional and pan-European services for the coastal and shelf seas.

S9.2.1 - Marine security in the Northwest Shelf (fast track service)

Göran Broström (MET-NO) - MET-NO, NERSC, UREADES

S9.2.2 - Ecosystem health in the North Sea (fast track service)


S9.2.3 - Marine security and ecosystem health in the Aegean Sea (slow track service)

Nittis Kostas (HCMR) - HCMR

S9.2.4 - Marine security in the Iberian coast and the Western Mediterranean (slow track service)

Paradis Denis (MF) - AZTI-Tecnalia, IST, LIM/UPC, MF

S9.2.5 - Ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea (slow track service)

Stipa Tapani (FIMR) -

S9.2.6 - Marine security in the Levantine Basin (fast track service)

Zodiatis George (OC-UCY) -

S9.2.7 - Ecosystem health in the Adriatic Sea (slow track service)

Coppini Giovanni (INGV) -

S9.2.8 - Environmental status support to North Sea fisheries assessment (slow track service)

Martin Price (METO) - IMR

S9.2.9 - Task 9.2 coordination Göran Broström (MET-NO)

Each target application will be performed as a separate subtask, but following a common procedure. The existing systems are identified as version V0. These are developed (Mo 9-24), through adoption of standards from Task 9.1 and interfacing to EuroMISS, to V1 in time for the TOP. Demonstrations, with user involvement, are carried out during the TOP with the V1 systems (Mo 24-27). Assessment of the TOP demonstrations (reported in Task 9.2) leads to revision and development from V1 to the final V2 systems (Mo 24-33). Representative V2 systems will be applied to a new area as a relocatability demonstration near the end of the project (Mo 33-36). Verification of codes will be carried out routinely and tested in connection with the demonstrations. Coordination and exchange of ideas with similar applications (through meetings and reporting) will support the development.

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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
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