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Tseries is a Meteorological time series viewer, developed at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. The source code for Tseries is available as open source under the GPL license. Tseries is part of the Norwegian Meteorological Workstation and can be connected to Diana.


Tseries is able to read data from different sources. The diagram composition allows to combine sources from different files into one diagram.

  1. Preprocessed hdf4: This is the original datasource, based on a proprietary hdf4 format.
  2. ASCII
  3. WDB: WDB is an open source database system, developed at the Norwegian Meteorolocal Insitute as well. Tseries is able to request direct data interpolation from this database.
  4. http Tseries is able to read data from an URL interface, this is used to access observation data
  5. Fimex Tseries uses Fimex to interpolate data in fields.


Tseries displays diagrams by using openGL. Diagrams can be printed in postscript or simply exported into png. Output is defined by style files. Tseries styles can be connected to several data-sources.


The Tseries user interface is presented in English, but Tseries is using the Qt-linguist tool to adapt other languages as well. Other languages can be added by the open-source project. Today Tseries supports:

  • English
  • Norwegian (Nynorsk / Bokmål )
  • Swedish
  • German
  • French

Tseries is a C++ autotools/autoconf project, using the Qt GUI Framework. Tseries is developed on Ubuntu. A feature toeasily create debian files is added, other linux distributions are not explicit supported, but other build systems can be integrated via the open-source project.

The Tseries source code is available at subversion

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  • tseries/start.1389774187.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:29
  • (external edit)