Model-run description for two AeroCom A2 test simulations with CAM5-Oslo (NorESM2-M)
Purpose of simulation: Quick aerosol check, and validation for PD conditions (results shown on
Contact person: Alf Kirkevåg (
Data owner: Alf Kirkevåg (
Revision Number: r217 + code not yet committed to svn
Production computer used: Cray XT in Bergen (hexagon)
Production date: May 2014
Ensemble runs: No
Storage locations: local disk (PI and PD), and aerocom-work (only PD simulation)
Storage space: 26 Gb locally, 3.2 Gb at aerocom-work
Projects: EarthClim/EVA and AeroCom
Papers in preparation:
Simulation name(s): NFAMIPDIRcorrem (renamed CAM5-Oslo_TEST-emi2000 at and NFAMIPDIRcorrempre
Compset name used: NFAMIPDIRIND
Model type: Stand-alone cam (atmosphere) default with prescribed ocn/ice (ocean and sea-ice)
Type of run: Initial
Simulation period: 1 years
Spin-up period: 4 years
Resolution: f09_f09 = 0.9×1.25_0.9×1.25
Emission year(s): 2000 (NFAMIPDIRcorrem) and 1850 (NFAMIPDIRcorrempre).
Emission inventories: IPCC AR5, see references in Kirkevåg et al. (2013)
Greenhouse gases: Prescribed concentrations
Frequency for output: Monthly
Active/changing forcing agents: Direct effect by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC
Special considerations:
Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM5: None