Model-run description for three simulations with NorESM1-M
Purpose of simulation: Estimate the effect of BC on global and Arctic climate
Contact person: Alf Kirkevåg (alf.kirkevag@met.no)
Data owner: Alf Kirkevåg (alf.kirkevag@met.no)
Revision Number: r99
Production computer used: Cray XT in Bergen (hexagon)
Production date: October - November 2010
Storage locations: NorStore (/norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/N_r99PDX), where X = yr116, noBCyr116, noBCdepyr116
Storage space: 1500 Gb at NorStore
Projects: EarthClim/ACCESS
Papers in preparation: Sand et al. (submitted)
Simulation name(s): N_r99PDX, where X = yr116, noBCyr116, noBCdepyr116
Compset name used: NAER2000
Model type: Fully coupled
Type of run: Initial
Simulation period: 92 years
Spin-up period: 116 years
Ensemble runs: No
Resolution: f19_g19 = 1.8×2.5
Emission year(s): 2000 (aerosols and precursors), but BC emissions set to 0 for X = noBCyr116. For X = noBCdepyr116 BC emissions are for year 2000, but deposition of BC on snow and sea-ice is set to 0.
Emission inventories IPCC AR5, see references in Kirkevåg et al. (2013)
Greenhouse gases: Prescribed concentrations (2000?)
Frequency for output: Monthly (for atm, ocn and lnd)
Active/changing forcing agents: Direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC. The effects of all BC is found from the difference between the experiments N_r99yr116 and N_r99noBCyr116, and the effect of BC deposited on snow and sea-ice is found from the difference between N_r99yr116 and N_r99noBCdepyr116.
Special considerations:
Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CCSM4:
rhminl: 0.90 lower RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds (0.91 in CAM4)
critrp: 5.0 mm/day maximum prcipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water (0.5 mm/day in CAM4)
r3lc: 14 um critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion (10 um in CAM4)
R_snw: 500 um grain size of cold snow overlaying sea-ice (250 um in CICE4)