Qc2 Installation

This is the installation procedure for dev-vm116. This needs to be adapted or changed completely for the specific test environment.

STEP 1: Add extra libraries to the kvalobs environment

The kvQc2 executable may be built in the nominal Qc1 environment1) with the following additions:

  • requires netcdf [can be turned off for operational release]
  • requires the proj library
  • requires the GNU Scientific Library
  • utilises a number of other boost libraries (e.g. programoptions, filesystem) …

The following install commands give more details:

apt-get install libgsl0-dbg libgsl0-dev libgsl0ldbl
apt-get install proj
apt-get install libnetcdf4
apt-get install libnetcdf-dev
apt-get insatll libboost-filesystem-dev
apt-get insatll boost-filesystem-dev
apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev
apt-get install libboost-program-options
apt-get install libboost-programoptions
apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev

STEP 2: As user kvalobs make a local source directory and checkout the distribution from: https://svn.met.no/kvoss/kvQc2/trunk/ or a specific release from https://svn.met.no/kvoss/kvQc2/tags/

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir kvQc2-svn
$ cd kvQc2-svn
$ svn co https://svn.met.no/kvoss/kvQc2/trunk/

Conundrum There is as-of-yet open issue with boost program options. The default version on the different flavours of ubuntu are different, and the ReadProgramOptions.cc code has to be changed to fit the appropriate ubuntu (hardy or etc?). This is probably just an issue with which version of the library is installed and probably can be solved some other way. FIXME

-       std::cout << full_path << std::endl;
+       //std::cout << full_path << std::endl;
-           std::cout << "Does not exist: " << full_path.file_string() <<std::endl;
+           std::cout << "Does not exist: " << full_path.native_file_string() <<std::endl;
-              filename=dit->path().native_file_string();
+              filename=dit->native_file_string();

STEP 3: Build and install as follows:

$ cd $HOME/kvQc2-svn/trunk # or specific tags directory etc
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure --prefix=/metno/kvalobs      # If no prefix, then Qc2 is installed in the system directories ((debian package will look after this in the future))
$ make 
$ make install

kvalobs including Qc2 is now installed locally … under $HOME/bin … Depending on the setup, kvalobs Qc1 daemons are also set up here (as on dev-vm116) and the run-time kvalobs configuration, i.e. comprising kv_ctl.conf, kvstart, kvstop …, is coordinated. (see QC2-OPE-RUN )

For the Qc1 environment key elements expected are the kvcpp and putools packages. puTools is located in metlibs
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/test/acceptance/qc2ins.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)