Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Fixed precision bug in kvqc2 and completed corresponding testing and documentation. 08:00 4 20100701 0800-1200
02 Created new debian package. Confirmed standard installation method with apt-get now worked. Updated documentation. Completed periodic administration tasks. 17:00 3 20100702 1700-2000
03 - - - -
04 - - - -
05 Expanded the flag controls in the configuration file. Included a NOT designator. 08:00 6 20100705 0800-1400
06 Tested the checking of individual nibbled for release of Qc2. 18:00 2 20100708 1800-2000
07 Development work for plotting routines to summarise config file settings. Brief telecon on Qc2 status and open actions. 10:00 4 20100706 1000-1400
08 More work on cfg console. 17:00 2 20100708 1700-1900
09 Analysis of flag settings and update of specification following inputs from kvalobs project team. 16:00 4 20100709 1600-2000
10 - - - -
11 - - - -
12 Started work on useflag controls in Qc2. 06:00 3 20100712 0800-1100
13 Added useinfo flag settings. Administatrion. 16:00 4 20100713 1600-2000
14 Testing of new algorithm controls. 09:00 3 20100714 0900-1200
15 Investigated bug in setting default flag settings. 10:00 2 20100715 1000-1200
16 Fixed and tested flag controls with useinfo support. Added time checks. 10:00 5 20100716 1000-1500
17 - - - -
18 - - - -
19 Configuration and testing of updated algorithm with useinfo checks on dev-vm101. Teleconference post sprint. 14:00 3 20100719 1400-1700
20 Identification and correction of bugs, rebuilt kvqc2 and made new debian package. 12:00 2 20100720 1200-1400
21 Deployment and testing of kvqc2 1.0.4 08:00 3 20100721 0800-1300
22 Updated algorithm with typeid controls. 19:00 5 20100722 1500-2000
23 Testing and documentation 11:00 5 20100723 1100-1600
24 - - - -
25 - - - -
26 F - - -
27 F - - -
28 F - - -
29 F - - -
30 F - - -
31 - - - -
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/201007.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)