Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 See 2010-05-30 - - -
02 Integrated kvqc2 in dev-vm101 and tested overall installtion. Completed kvqc2-1.0.0 and uploaded to repo.met.no. Configured vm101 to allow this. Installed new office H/W. 20:00 4 20100602 1600-2000
03 Scrum teleconference. T-Debian packageing telecom. Stress test development. Work on dev-vm128 environment. 12:00 6 20100603 1200-1800
04 Created and submitted a debian etch package. Manufacture of test data for General Single Point Method. 16:00 4 20100604 1600-2000
05 - - - -
06 - - - -
07 Coding and testing of Generalised Single Point algorithm. 08:00 6 20100607 0800-1400
08 Test case documentation. Continued Single Point algorithm work. 08:00 4 20100608 0800-1200
09 Algorithm documentation and testing. 16:00 3 20100609 1600-1900
10 Support to testing. Preparation of additional test data. New algorithm development. 12:00 4 201006010 1200-1600
11 A - - -
12 - - - -
13 - - - -
14 A - - -
15 Documentation, update of test files, scripts and manufacture of test data. 14:00 4 20100615 1400-1800
16 Vectorised controlflag settings for Qc2 to support many settings/options for the same flag 08:00 3 20100616 0800-1100
17 Generlisation of Max Min Average algorithm and inclusion linear interpolation fall back option. 17:00 3 20100617 1700-2000
18 Generalised linear interpolation algorithm. Algorithm testing. 12:00 6 20100618 1200-1800
19 - - - -
20 - - - -
21 Sprint Meeting. Work on kvqc2_1.0.1 10:00 5 20100621 1000-1500
22 Finalised kvqc2_1.0.1. Testing and documentation. Dash and debian discussions with Terje 16:00 6 20100622 1000-1600
23 Administration and documentation. 12:00 3 20100623 1200-1500
24 Correction and testing of debian package bugs. Update to documentation. 08:00 2 20100624 0800-1000
25 A - - -
26 - - - -
27 - - - -
28 kvqc2 testing and application of algorithm to other paramters. 12:00 3 20100628 1200-1500
29 Continuation of testing and completion of documentation on new paramter analysis. 16:00 4 20100629 1600-2000
30 Support to operational testing. Work on bug fixes; cfailed settings, precision of values. 10:00 4 20100630 1000-1400
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/201006.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)