Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 - - - -
02 - - - -
03 Administration. Sprint meeting. 10:00 2 2010-05-03 1000-1200
04 Debian dev-vm101 work. Teleconference. 16:00 3 2010-05-04 1600-1900
05 Added conditional flag tests Qc2 configuration file and process control. 18:00 6 2010-05-05 0800-1400
06 Weekly scrum. Built and installed kvqc2 debian package on dev-vm101. 12:00 5 2010-05-06 1200-1700
07 Tested and documented control flag changes and related code changes. 12:00 4 2010-05-07 1200-1600
08 - - - -
09 - - - -
10 Trouble-shooted debian build work and attempted to construct a separate vm for debian package development. Investigated the curious world of the development repository. 18:00 4 2010-05-10 1600-2000
11 Teleconference. Debian tests and installation. Administration and sources update. 16:00 4 2010-05-11 1600-2000
12 Analysis of neighbours for interpolation. 08:00 4 2010-05-12 0800-1200
13 –oOo– –oOo– –oOo– –oOo–
14 Scrum. Generalisation of single missing point interpolation.12:30 3.5 2010-05-14 1230-1600
15 - - - -
16 - - - -
17 –oOo– –oOo– –oOo– –oOo–
18 Refactoring code. SingleMissingPoint, work on handling the case where no max or min exists. 1100 3 2010-05-18 1100-1400
19 Completed E2E tests and analysed results. 18:00 2 2010-05-19 1800-2000
20 Troubleshooting pid file and kvPath inconsistencies in test environment. 08:00 4 2010-05-20 0800-1200
21 Addition of work arounds to test environment re different behaviour of Qc2 and Qc1 pid files. 16:00 4 2010-05-21 1600-2000
22 - - - -
23 - - - -
24 –oOo– –oOo– –oOo– –oOo–
25 Nearest neighbour interpolation statistics work. 10:00 8 2010-05-25 1000-1800
26 Test of dev-vm128. Telecon: debian and pid issues. Neighbour statistics and R-plotting. 12:00 4 2010-05-26 1200-1600
27 Documentation of neighbour statistics for model value calculations. 17:00 3 2010-05-27 1700-2000
28 Scrum. General code tidy-up for kvqc2-1.0.0 12:00 4 2010-05-28 1200-1600
29 More code tidying. Testing of results. Preparation of 'fail-safe' kvqc2. Manufacture, deployment and testing (on dev-vm101) of kvqc2_1.0.0-1_i386.deb 12:00 7 2010-06-01 0800-1500
30 - - - -
31 Sprint 5 wrap-up and Sprint 6 planning. 10:00 2 2010-05-31 1000-1200
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/201005.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)