Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Database management tasks on dev-vm116. Update of test environement code. EUMETGRID follow-up activities. 08:00 4 2010-02-01 0800-1200
02 Testing re-distribution code. Update of test data on development environment for operational tests. Investigate low incidence of corrections for operational windows. 12:00 5 2010-02-02 1200-1700
03 Flag specification work. Documentation 21:00 3 2010-02-03 0800-1100
04 First scrum. Testing redistribution options and interpolation choices. 12:00 3 2010-02-04 1200-1500
05 Various administrative activities and office maintenance. Analysis of kvalobs to do list. 12:00 6 2010-02-05 1200-1800
06 - - - -
07 - - - -
08 Kvalobs Kick-Off Meeting. Set up testing for different interpolation methods wrt precipitation conditions. 15:00 3 2010-02-08 1500-1800
09 Qc2 testing and documentation work. 10:00 2 2010-02-09 1000-1200
10 Trouble-shooting kvalobs Qc1 environment, set precipcollected_flag to be the algorithm running (food for Qc2). Review KO meeting minutes and notes. 10:00 3 2010-02-10 1000-1300
11 Short scrum (30 mins) and later teleconference. Analysis of requirements for debian package set up. Documentation of acceptance test file work. 14:00 4 2010-02-11 1400-1800
12 Flag documentation. Installation of Qt3/4 libraries on dev-vm116. Reconfigure algorithms to all run RANGE_CHECK in investigation of missing row generation. 16:00 6 2010-02-12 0800-1400
13 - - - -
14 - - - -
16 kvalobs interpreter discussion during Teleconferene. Investigation of database algorithm controls, Witi frameworks. Use of SeNorge to identify test data cases. 16:00 4 2010-02-16 1600-2000
17 Update and expansion of test environment. Trouble shoot missing lines in kvalobs database. Station params and obs_pgm checks. 12:00 4 2010-02-17 1200-1600
18 Work on Qc2 control flag configuration after input from the flag expert group. 10:00 4 2010-02-18 1000-1400
19 Weekly scrum. More analysis of SeNorge data. 12:30 3 2010-02-19 1230-1530
20 - - - -
21 - - - -
23 Analysis of SeNorge summary data. Various administration. Teleconference. Triangulation interpolation method work; check of coordinate transformations. 16:00 3 2010-02-23 1600-1900
24 Add best station options to Qc2 interpolation configuration, take input from a file listing of the best neighbours. Began work on regional separation of stations. Increase dev-vm116 capacity. 08:00 6 2010-02-24 0800-1400
25 Improvements to operational environment; missing rows and obs_pgm metadata. Rewrote and tested cron-jobs. Weekly scrum.12:00 4 2010-02-25 1200-1600
26 Separating Qc2 distribution from kvalobs tree. Work on reconfiguration of autoconf tools. 14:00 6 2010-02-26 1400-2000
27 - - - -
28 - - - -
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/201002.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)