Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
02 Update and rebuild of kvalobs sources on development machines. Analysis of quality flags and email discussion. Some research into INSPIRE with respect to EUMETGRID.12:00 4 20091202 1200-1600
03 Development and testing of space check algorithm. 17:00 3 20091203 1200-1500
04 Annalysis of future algorithm development and FOU support. Documentation and administration. 17:00 3 20091204 1200-1500
05 - - - -
06 - - - -
07 Qc2 Teleconference. Test environment configuration. 12:00 3 20091207 1200-1500
08 Database architecture teleconference. Review and reporting of old Qc2 test results. Flight administartion for EUMETGRID KickOff Meeting 16:00 4 20091208 1600-2000
09 Planning for SKF Qc2 Involvement. Troubleshooting Qc2 daemon configuration. INSPIRE research. 08:00 3.5 20091209 0800-1130
10 Kvalobs Qc2 configuration, pid controls etc, alignment with Qc1 set-up. svn branch maintenance and rebuilt dev-vm116 with the latest developement version of kvoss suite. 15:00 5 20091210 1500-2000
11 Travel claim and other Administration. 21:00 3 20091211 0800-1100
12 - - - -
13 Modification and testing of kvstart, kv_ctl configuration and Qc2 related. Configuration of test environement to support sliding test windos. Test work. 16:00 6 20091211 1100-1700
14 Administration. INSPIRE research. Test data generation with generator.pl. 08:00 3 20091214 0800-1100
15 dev-vm116 environment work. HTML log files and maintenance. Testing of time interpolation. 18:00 2 20091215 1800-2000
16 SKD Meeting. Teleconference and system review with TR. Generation of additional test data. 12:30 4 20091216 1230-1630
17 Qc2 Flag analysis. Further automation of generator.pl. Fixed bug with NULL strings in test data files. 12:00 5 20091217 1200-1700
18 Work on the Acceptance Test File and development of test cases. 15:00 5 20091218 1500-2000
19 - - - -
20 - - - -
21 FERIEN - - -
22 FERIEN - - -
23 FERIEN - - -
24 - - - -
25 - - - -
26 - - - -
27 - - - -
28 FERIEN - - -
30 Acceptance test file. Redistribution test script data generation and test run. 14:00 3 20091230 0800-1100
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/200912.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)