Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 - - - -
02 - - - -
03 Analysis of wsKlima and related services for inclusion in GEOSS 20:00 4 20090803 1200-1600
04 Algorithm documentation, update of old dokit pages. Further debugging of time series interpolation routines. 18:00 5 20090804 1500-2000
05 Improvements to the handling of controlflag settings for filtering data and selecting corrected values to write back to the kvalobsdb. Corresponding testing. 06:00 3 20090805 0800-1100
06 Building and testing a Ubuntu Hardy virtual machine (& documentation). [dev-vm174] 21:00 3 20090806 1000-1300
07 Construction of kvalobs database and distribution on [dev-vm174]: TEST ENVIRONMENT 16:00 4 20090807 1600-2000
08 - - - -
09 - - - -
10 Continued trouble shooting and building of kvalobs on ubuntu virtual machine. 14:00 4 20090810 1200-1600
11 Study of literature on spatial analysis techniques: point pattern and quantitative data analysis. 15:00 3 20090811 0800-1100
12 Algorithm work on passing back results to the kvalobs db from time interpolation routines. 17:00 4 20090812 1600-2000
13 Preparation of report on how to register wsKlima in generic system of systems. 16:00 2 20090813 1600-1800
14 Administration 08:00 1 20090814 0800-0900
15 - - - -
16 - - - -
17 Qc2 homogeneity testing function development. 16:00 4 20090817 1600-2000
18 Time series Qc2 Work. Teleconference on ubuntu test environement. 18:00 3 20090818 1500-1800
19 General testing and debugging (GSL interfaces). 12:00 3 20090819 1200-1500
20 Administration and preparation for met.no visit.12:00 3 20090820 1200-1600
22 - - - -
23 - - - -
24 At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 06:23 -
25 At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 09:13 -
26 At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 08:32 -
27 At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 07:05 -
29 - - - -
30 - - - -
31 At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 03:43 -
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/200908.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)