Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Preparation of R routines to analyse and plot interpolation method results. 09:00 4 20090701 0900-1300
02 Documentation work on interpolation routines and results. 08:00 4 20090702 0800-1200
03 Correction of height scaling algorithms for precipitation interpolation. 12:00 4 20090703 1200-1600
04 - - - -
05 - - - -
06 General Qc2 development. 14:00 4 20090706 1400-1800
07 met.no administration 22:00 3 20090707 1500-1800
08 Documentation of algorithms and interpolations methods. 14:00 3 20090708 1400-1700
09 Review and documentation of current status of akima algorithms. Port of old scripts to ubuntu. 10:00 2 20090709 1000-1200
10 Generalised time series interpolation and spatial comparison (Process4D algorithm). 08:00 2 20090710 0800-1000
11 Preparation and application of further R scripts for analysis of Qc2 algorithm results 16:00 4 20090710 1000-1400
12 - - - -
13 Administration. Investigation and building of additional statistics libraries - GNU Scientific Library, Geostatistics Template Library, kriging etc. … 12:00 4 20090713 1200-1600
14 Integration of GNU Scientific Library for a.o. Akima routines. Began analysis of the Geostatistics Template Library 17:00 4 20090714 1200-1600
15 Use of putools a.o. to provide Julian hours axis for continuous akima interpolation. 12:00 3 20090715 1200-1500
16 Coding of generic time interpolation routine. 10:00 4 20090716 1000-1400
17 Administrative work with respect to ECSN. Further work and debugging on Process4D algorithm. 16:00 4 20090717 1600-2000
18 - - - -
19 Modification and testing of build to include kvQc2 under kvalobs. Documented changes in a branch under kvoss svn. 21:00 3 20090720 0800-1100
20 Analysis of case studies for Qc2 testing. 16:00 2 20090720 1100-1300
21 Kvoss and Qc2 build on pc2863 (old humulis now ubuntu) and documentation. 15:00 3 20090721 1500-1800
22 Investigation of tests for directional homogeneity, Kriging software etc. ,e.g. GSLIB, GsTL, SAMT. Wrote test code to try out each library. Included work on C++ and fORTRAN library interfaces. 10:00 5 20090722 1100-1600
23 Research into geostatistics libraries. 16:00 2 20090723 1600-1800
24 Further work on Kriging. Coded generation of semivariogram. 17:00 3 20090724 1700-2000
25 - - - -
26 - - - -
27 Avspasering - - -
28 Avspasering - - -
29 Administration and analysis of kriging interpolater options.08:00 2 0800-1000
30 Time series routine, return of corrected values. 12:00 3 20090730 1200-1500
31 Corrective work/testing on GSL Akima calls and handling. 14:00 4 20090731 1400-1800
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/200907.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)