
This is an old revision of the document!

Message 1  IOBC01 RJTD 160015

Section 0:
    Length of BUFR message:            859
    BUFR edition:                      4

Section 1:
    Length of section:                 22
    BUFR master table:                 0
    Originating centre:                34
Message 2  IOBA21 EIDB 160000

Section 0:
    Length of BUFR message:            352
    BUFR edition:                      4

Section 1:
    Length of section:                 22
    BUFR master table:                 0
    Originating centre:                233
Message 20  IOBX07 LEMM 160000

Section 0:
    Length of BUFR message:            628
    BUFR edition:                      3

Section 1:
    Length of section:                 18
    BUFR master table:                 0
    Originating subcentre:             0
    Originating centre:                214
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  • bufr.pm/bufrextract.pl_iobdat.1481100705.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)