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T-series Manual

  • Print: Print the current diagram to a printer or postscript-file
  • Save Image: Save the current diagram as an png-image.
  • Change Filter Create a local filter for positions </a>
  • Change Observation Filter Create a filter for observations parameters. Marked parameters will not be requested and are excluded from the view
  • Change Fimex Filter Create a filter for FIMEX parameters. Marked parameters will not be interpolated and are excluded from the view
  • Change Observation start time The observation view reads the last 300 hours of observations by default. Here one can choose a fixed start date for the observations. The start date will not be logged. At restart - the default applies.
  • Quit quits the program and writes configuration information to ~/.tseries/tseries.conf
  • Reset Preferences reset the original preferences (including window size/position) from the configuration
  • Save Preferences save the current preferences to the conf-file.
  • Save at exit Saves the current preferences automatically at exit.
  • Show positions (DIANA) Show the position names in Diana when Tseries is connected to Diana
  • Show active position Show the name of the current position in Diana
  • Show icons (DIANA) Show icons for all positions in the Diana map
  • Show Timemark Show a grey line marking now
  • Show Gridlines Switch the Grid in the diagram on and off
  • Lat/Lon in decimal represent latitude and longitude as float instead of Degrees and Minutes
  • Lock hours to model Change length of the diagram when changing the model
  • Font Change the GUI font
  • Language Change language for the GUI
  • Manual shows this page

The Bottom Toolbar is dynamically connected to the sidebar. The Toolbar is altered when the sidebar VIEW is changed.

  • enable/disable observation Showing observations (if available) ALL VIEWS
  • Position filter apply a filter on the position list, only the positions that exist in the datasource and in the filterlist will be shown. STATION VIEW
  • Show Position(DIANA) shows a big red cross in the Diana Map over the current position DATABASE AND STATION VIEW
  • Connect Connect to Diana ALL VIEWS
  • New directory Add a new directory for locally stored positions DATABASE AND FIMEX VIEW
  • Cache query Send a query to the database to cache in the dataset (enabled if the request is too slow) DATABASE VIEW
  • Record record positions while clicking at the diana Map FIELDS VIEW

The Sidebar contains the data control interface. There are three different VIEWS to access data stations, database and **Fields. At the top of the statusbar the user can choose the datainput by the

  • Diagramtype (Meteogram/Marinogram etc)
  • The Model (ECMWF, Arome etc)
  • The runtime of the model

The timeframe of the diagram can be selected by the start, and hours sliders at the bottom. The 0 hour refers to the runtime of the model. In case there are observations available, the time slider maybe drawn to a negative value. The label under the time sliders displays information on the closest observation site, above the sliders is information (coordinates) on the current position.

In this view, Tseries shows preprocessed point data from hdf or ASCII files. The Station lists are extracted from the current datafile and static for that file.

Tseries is able to connect to a WDB database and get data interpolated on demand. The Database-Tab title is similar to the database-server which is used in the connection.

The user interface is coordinate based, you can choose coordinates by the lat/lon sliders, write them directly into the Lat/Lon text-fields or click into any given place in the diana map to get the diagram for the specific coordinates. All the modelnames,times and coordinate borders are selected from the database. When the database connection fails, the database-tab is disabled.


The database interpolates data on demand, for this, the server has to read all the fields necessary to generate your diagram. If this is to slow (default > 1.5s) the cache button becomes active. By pushing the cache button, a request is send to the server to take all needed fields into memory - speeding up the interpolation. The caching process is running in background and takes up to one minute. It is finished when the red blinking icon vanishes.


In the Database View, stations are represented as Bookmarks (name and coordinated) Additionally to common bookmarks, the user can define a set of local bookmarks and group them into directories. First, create a new folder by the “+” button and rename the folder. Now drag positions from the other folders there, positions in the record folder can be dragged in as well. Rename the bookmarks appropriately. There are some distributed folders with given positions. These can be edited, but will be restored after restart. Private created folders will be stored locally and saved at exit All positions can be dragged into trash for removal. Empty private folders are automatically removed after restart.

T-series can be connected to the Diana meteorological workstation. The connection is controlled by an external application (coserver) which is socket based. Coserver starts automatically when requested. The user can connect T-series and DIANA by activate the connect button in both applications. All positions from Tseries are send to Diana and will be displayed in the map. when a position is choosen in Diana, Tseries will display the requested Diagram for that position.

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  • tseries/doc.1389787926.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:29
  • (external edit)