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Creating a new compset for use of CAM5-Oslo aerosols

In this example we use the CESM1.2 compset FAMIPC5 (AMIP run with CAM5) as basis. If starting from fresh, include the new CAM5-Oslo on a new directory;


then add the new CAM5-Oslo capability by editing the following files:


Under “GetOptions(” add

  "cam_oslo=s"                => \$opts{'cam_oslo'},

At the end of the section starting with “The default physics package is cam5…”, add

  #cam-oslo configuration
  my $cam_oslo='none';
  my $cam_oslo_nadv = 0;
  # Check cam-oslo option
  if (defined $opts{'cam_oslo'}){
  if($cam_oslo != 'none' and $cam_oslo != 'aerlife'){
  	die "only valid cam_oslo configuration is currently 'aerlife' or 'none' \n ";
  if($cam_oslo eq 'aerlife'){
      $cam_oslo_nadv =23;

At the end of the section starting with “User source directories”, add

  #if cam_oslo is defined its source goes before the usr_sources
  if ($cam_oslo ne 'none'){
    my @usr_src_dirs = split ',', $cfg_ref->get('usr_src');
    unshift(@usr_src_dirs, "$cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cam_oslo");
    my $usr_src_dirs_string = join(",",@usr_src_dirs);

At the end of the section starting with “Number of advected constituents”, add

#CAM Oslo

        if ($cam_oslo_nadv > 0){
	    $nadv += $cam_oslo_nadv;
            if($print >=2 ){ print "Advected constituents added by CAM-Oslo $cam_oslo : $cam_oslo_nadv$eol"; }

At the end of the section starting with “For the CPP tokens”, add

  if ($cam_oslo eq 'aerlife'){
  	    $usr_cppdefs .= ' -DAERLIFE -DDIRIND';

Under “<config_definition>”, add

  <entry id="cam_oslo" value="">
  Options for building cam-oslo

Under “”, add


Setting up a case with the new compset and building the model

It should now be possible to create a new case directory, which we here name FAMIPOSLOtst and configure with 1 degree horizontal atmospheric resolution;

./create_newcase -case ../cases/FAMIPOSLOtst -compset FAMIPOSLO -mach hexagon -res f09_f09

and finally set up and compile the model:

cd ../cases/FAMIPOSLOtst ./cesm_setup ./

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  • noresm/runmodel/advancednoresm2.1390832676.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)