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How to perform forecast simulations with's online drift services

This page is for Mersea privileged users. You must obtain a userid and password from to use the services as described.


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The menu in the left-hand panel is used to select what you want:

  • List simulations shows a list of the most recent simulations for this user in the main panel. Useful for noting the serial number for simulations of interest.
  • Start oildrift simulation brings up the OD3D oil spill model order form in the main panel.
  • Start shipdrift simulation brings up the ship drift model order form in the main panel.
  • WMS display of drift simulations brings up an embedded Web Mapping Service client in the main panel.

Look at this example of an Oil drift forecast order form

  1. Select Start oildrift simulation from the main menu.
  2. Fill in the most basic information: the start and ending times of the spill, the position and depth of the source. All other parameters have default values.
  3. Fill in other information as necessary:
    • Oil type: Select from the list
    • Simulation duration: The simulation will stop after this period or when the forcing data runs out.
    • email: n/a for Mersea user.
    • Description: Please enter a unique description that is recognizable in the listing.
  4. Hit Advanced options button
    • Select the Ocean model
      • is for Norwegian waters
      • default = mercat_o4_glo
      • mfs_16_med = MFS 1/16th degree model of Mediterranean Sea
      • mercat_15_med = Mercator 1/15th degree model of Mediterranean Sea
      • mercat_15_nat = Mercator 1/15th degree model of North Atlantic
      • mercat_04_flo = Mercator 1/4th degree Global model
    • Leave all other parameters at their default values
  5. Hit Start button

When the simulation starts, a status monitoring page appears. Be sure to make a note of the serial number of the simulation for future reference. This page allows you to view input and log files while waiting for the simulation to complete. An oil drift simulation usually takes 2-10 minutes, depending on what forcing data is being accessed. A small information box will appear when the simulation is complete. Data files in ascii and binary formats may then be downloaded from this page. Also, the results are now ready for viewing in the embedded viewing tool.

The status page will also show any errors that caused the simulation to fail.

Take a look at the facility for Viewing in embedded WMS client

The service includes a rudimentary viewing facility, which is implemented as an embedded WMS client. It is intended to serve as a backup viewing service for's national clients, who normally use their own dedicated GIS to view data files delivered automatically.

  1. Select WMS display of drift simulations from the main menu.
  2. Open oildrift listing
  3. Select the desired simulation by its serial number
  4. Hit Update button

This brings up the WMS client in the main panel. The basic WMS map facilities are available by using the buttons above the map area:

  • Zoom in (by clicking once in the map or by drawing out a rectangle)
  • Zoom out
  • Panning
  • Info (n/a)
  • Original map section
  • Previous view
  • Next view
  • Update view (same as main menu button)

There is a time selector menu and increment buttons under the main menu.

Base layers include lat-long lines and a toggle for displaying the oil budget text box.

The hirlam20.00 and Nordic4km.00 selections show's latest numerical forecast products for the atmosphere and ocean circulation. Coverage is limited to Europe and the Nordic Seas, respectively. These are in general not the same data that were used to force the drift model. (They will correspond to the forcing data only if was selected as the Ocean model.)

NB! The map projection is tailored to northern Europe and is fixed. The view may be distorted in other areas of the world, for example in the southern hemisphere.

Look at this example of an Ship drift forecast order form

  1. Select Start shipdrift simulation from the main menu.
  2. Fill in the Start position/time section. The radius parameter specifies how to seed a cloud of particles representing the ship, and thus is a measure of the uncertainty of the given position; 10 km is a reasonable choice.
  3. Use the Copy button to copy the Start position/time information to the End position/time section.
  4. Fill in the ship dimensions. Two examples are given in the home page.
  5. Fill in other items as necessary:
    • Simulation duration: The simulation will stop after this period or when the forcing data runs out.
    • email: n/a for Mersea user.
    • Description: Please enter a unique description that is recognizable in the listing.
  6. Hit Advanced options button
    • Select the Ocean model
      • is for Norwegian waters
      • default = mercat_o4_glo
      • mfs_16_med = MFS 1/16th degree model of Mediterranean Sea
      • mercat_15_med = Mercator 1/15th degree model of Mediterranean Sea
      • mercat_15_nat = Mercator 1/15th degree model of North Atlantic
      • mercat_04_flo = Mercator 1/4th degree Global model
    • Leave all other parameters at their default values
  7. Hit Start button

When the simulation starts, a status monitoring page appears. Be sure to make a note of the serial number of the simulation for future reference. This page allows you to view input and log files while waiting for the simulation to complete. A ship drift simulation usually takes 3-10 minutes, depending on what forcing data is being accessed. A small information box will appear when the simulation is complete. Data files in ascii and binary formats may then be downloaded from this page. Also, the results are now ready for viewing in the embedded viewing tool.

The status page will also show any errors that caused the simulation to fail.

Similar to viewing an oil drift simulation. Just select a simulation from the list under the shipdrift button under the main menu.

This facility makes it possible to predict the fate of oil spilled from a drifting ship, as in the “Prestige” accident. In summary, it is done by first performing a ship drift simulation, and then using the position and time information from the drift trajectory as a moving source for an oil spill simulation.

Take a look at the order form for oil drift simulation with input from a ship drift trajectory.

  1. Perform a ship drift simulation as described above. Note the serial number of the simulation.
  2. Select Start oildrift simulation from the main menu.
  3. Hit the Get ship trajectory button. Pops up a Get shipdirft simulation window.
  4. Select the ship drift simulation. Edit the oil spill depth and rate, as appropriate. Hit OK
  5. Ordered List Item
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  • mersea-oil-spill/kilden_howto.1204902815.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)