
  • REVIEW THIS ToDO list … soem of them are completed 8-o
  • Write a script that reports on the configuration files active and the time they run! Very useful for operations
  • Turn A_Flag … Algorithm_Restrictions_Flag and Algorithm_Requisites_Flag
  • New algorithms … see SPRINT notes ….
  • Implement 1.5 * IQR outlier detection system. … this contributes to Dip Test
  • Review SeNorge for test data regimes…
  • StationSelection::StationSelection() … remove hardcoded filename: (“/metno/kvalobs/kvalobs-svn/src/kvQc2/algorithms/TriangulatedNeighbours.txt”)
  • Move the FlagTester … it is included as a test module, to somewhere more appropriate
  • Write a nibble matcher.
  • Check the handling of the $KVALOBS environment variable and make fail-safe (look how it is done now for kvalobs.conf (Qc1 apparently no longer needs $KVALOBS … double check))'
  • If $KVALOBS is not set OR no Qc2Config directory is not found, or no log file is detected etc, then force Qc2 to quit rather than allow it to roll on for ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kvQc2 … update the libraries to be libkvalobs_ etc etc
  • Build an if then into the control flag, e.g X_fmis={before, after} for the cfg!!!
  • Add more to LOGINFO !!! e.g. Algorithm not included in this release …

FLAG-GROUP: fmis (controlinfo(6)) should be changed from 3 to 1 when QC2 interpolates, from 0 to 4 when QC2 'tilfordeler' (and original exists). Otherwise the flag values looks correct as far as I can see.

… that useinfo(3) should be changed from 9 to 4 when QC2 interpolates, but that is something which should be taken care of automatically if fmis is correctly set, provided that setting of useinfo is done the same way as in QC1 (is it so?)

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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/todo.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)