Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 - - - -
02 Preparation for meetings in Week 19 (i.e. presentations and collation of results and reports from the last full time equivalent months work). Monthly administration. 15:00 8 20090506 0800-1600
03 - - - -
04 Meetings at met.no. Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 9hrs 0mins -
05 Meetings at met.no. Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. - 10hrs 14mins -
06 - - - -
07 Documentation post met.no visit. 12:00 2 20090507 1200-1400
08 Akima algorithms investigation.10:00 4 20090508 1000-1400
09 - - - -
10 - - - -
11 Compilation under ubuntu work and further algorithm development. 14:00 4 20090511 1400-1800
12 Preparation of an Ubuntu 8.04 machine as a backup development platform. (NB continued display problems with met.no laptop) 12:00 5 20090512 1200-1700
13 Installation of libraries (kvalobs dependecies) on backup Ubuntu machine 16:00 4 20090513 1600-2000
14 Further work with ubuntu. NAV administration.18:00 3 20090514 1500-1800
15 … more development and test environment construction on ubuntu machine 12:00 4 20090515 1200-1600
16 - - - -
17 - - - -
18 Ubuntu package configuration work. 15:00 3 20090518 1500-1800
19 Administrative work. 22:00 2 20090512 1200-1400
20 Kvalobs build dependency investigation. Qc2 Teleconference. 13:00 5 20090520 1300-1800
21 Trouble shooting and backup of ailing met.no laptop. Qc2 algorithm work. 08:00 8 20090522 0800-1600
22 Ubunutu environment work and Qc2 build procedures. 16:00 4 20090522 1600-2000
23 - - - -
24 - - - -
25 Compilation of kvalobs Qc1 and Qc2 under ubuntu. Modification of Qc2 build to use autoconf. 19:00 5 20090525 1200-1700
26 Code updates to take into account change in boost libraries. 12:00 5 20090526 1200-1700
27 Further porting and testing of Qc2 with ubuntu environment. Teleconference with Terje. 16:00 4 20090527 1600-2000
28 Rebuilding programoptions modules 12:00 3.5 20090528 1200-1530
29 General Qc2 development. 16:00 3.5 20090529 0800-1130
30 - - - -
31 - - - -
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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/8hdk376snf09zj37dk82s92/200905.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)