

Lager din egen katalog å kjøre på (Make your own directory to run on)


kvalobs@histkvalobs:~/aggregator$ mkdir 68125

Går til denne nye katalogen: kvalobs@histkvalobs:~/aggregator$ cd 68125/

Bruker help-funksjonen (Using the help function) kvalobs@histkvalobs:~/aggregator/68125$ kvAgregated –help kvAgregated (kvalobs) 2.2.12

Data agregation daemon for kvalobs.

Available options:

Working mode:

  -b [ --back-production ] arg Produce data according to the given specificatio
                               n. Format for specification is '2008-04-08 
                               06:00:00,5', which means produce data valid for 
                               period 2008-04-08T06:00:00 - 2008-04-08T11:00:00
                               . Daemon mode will not be entered if this option
                               is given.
  -d [ --daemon-mode ]         Enter daemon mode, even if overridden by the 
                               --back-production option.
  -s [ --stations ] arg        Only process stations from the given comma-separ
                               ated list.
  -p [ --parameter ] arg       Only process parameters from the given comma-sep
                               arated list.
  -t [ --type ] arg            Only process the typeid from the given comma-sep
                               arated list.


  1. -proxy-database-name arg Use the given file as proxy database. If the file

does not exist, it will be created

  1. r [ –repopulate ] Repopulate internal agragator database on startup


  1. -help Get help message
  2. -version Display version information

Eksempel på kjøring (Example of running) kvalobs@histkvalobs:~/aggregator/68125$ kvAgregated -b '2011-05-15 00:00:00,72' -s 68125

(Skriver fortløpende på skjermen hvor langt den er kommet til enhver tid) (Consecutive writing on the screen, showing how far it has reached)

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  • kvalobs/kvalobs/aggregering_eksempel.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)