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ECOOP Task 2.5 - Pan-European River Data

A wiki for the ECOOP Task 2.5 partners, hosted by

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  1. Get an overview of what's available, what's possible to access in the (near) future and how.
  2. Set up procedures for data provision via the EDMS.
  3. Implement an initial feed of NRT river data to demonstrate value.


  • Work through the ROOS'es to access data providers.
  • Cooperate with the EDMS developers on provision to users – ROOSes as main channel.
  • Get feedback on usefulness and upgrade.
  • (Task lead): Bruce Hackett (
  • RIKZ: Kees Borst (
  • SMHI: Lennart Funkquist (
  • AZTI: Yolanda Sagarminaga (
  • MHI: Eugeny Lemeshko (
  • BSH: Kai Soetje (
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  • ecoop-river/start.1199546006.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)