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ECOOP Task 2.5 - Pan-European River Data

A wiki for the Task 2.5 partners, maintained by


  • Bruce Hackett (
  • RIKZ: Kees Borst (
  • AZTI: Yolanda Sagarminaga (
  • MHI: Eugeny Lemeshko (
  • BSH: Kai Soetje (
  • Subtask S2.5.1 Assessment of existing river run-off data → More info
  • Subtask S2.5.2 Interfacing to ECOOP Data Management System → More info
  • Subtask S2.5.3 Implementation of initial data sets in ECOOP Data Management System → More info
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  • ecoop-river/start.1192457726.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)