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Subtask 2.5.3

Title: Implementation of initial data sets in ECOOP Data Management System

Lead partner:

Participants: All

Period: Months 12-36

  • Contact identified data providers, both directly and through national members of the regional EuroGOOS associations, and initiate data delivery to the EDMS under the agreed terms.
  • Identify a test provider able to provide NRT data early in the project period. Test the data acquisition and interfacing procedures (cf. subtask 2.5.2) on this data stream.
No. Title Resp MM Nature Diss Due
D2.5.3.1 Description and assessment of the ECOOP river runoff data provision 3 R PP 36
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  • ecoop-river/start/s2.5.3.1192460779.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)