Building metlibs on Windows

First, check out the source code using your favorite Subversion client (I recommend TortoiseSVN).

We won't build shared libraries. They're a huge pain to manage on Windows, and we don't really need them.

Since we currently don't have working HDF4 and MySQL libraries, we have to disable everything that uses those directly or indirectly:

  • HDF4: tsData, pets2, qTimeseries
  • MySQL: puSQL, diSQL

We also need to specify where Qt is to be found (normally C:/Qt/x.y.z where x.y.z is the version number, e.g. 4.4.0).

Of course, we also need to point LDFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and –prefix at c:/

$ ./
    ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=c:/ \
    --disable-tsData --disable-pets2 --disable-qTimeseries \
    --disable-puSQL --disable-diSQL \
    --enable-gribapi --with-netcdf \
$ make all install

tsData requires HDF4, which currently doesn't build in our setup, but it also defines symbols that conflict with built-in Windows types (e.g. DATE), so it will require some work even when HDF4 has been ported.

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  • diana/windows/building/metlibs.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:31
  • (external edit)