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Diana – status and recent developments at met.no

presentation by Lisbeth Bergholt
21st EGOWS Meeting
ECMWF, Reading
1st June 2010

Diana - an open source production and visualisation package

presentation by Lisbeth Bergholt
Baltmet meeting, Oslo
28th March 2008

Diana - an open source production and visualisation package

presentation by Lisbeth Bergholt
the 11th Workshop on Meteorological operation systems
ECMWF, Reading
12-16 November 2007
presentation(pdf-file) abstract(pdf-file)

Diana: A free Meteorological Workstation

presentation by Lisbeth Bergholt
the 10th Workshop on Meteorological operation systems
ECMWF, Reading
14-18 November 2005
presentation(pdf-file) abstract(pdf-file) Proceedings(pdf-file)

Diana: a public domain application for weather analysis diagnostics and products

presentation by Eivind Martinsen
the 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society
12-16 September 2005

Recent developments in Norway

presentation by Anstein Foss
the European Working Group on Operational Workstations (EGOWS)
Met Office Exeter
21-24 June 2005

The integrated system for production, monitoring and diagnostics at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute

presentation by Helen Korsmo
the 39th Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
31 May-3 June 2005

Overview of meteorological workstation development in Europe

Invited Presentation by Jens Daabeck
21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
San Diego
9-13 January 2005

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  • diana/diana_references.1344853017.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)