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Advanced searching
Use + and - as a prefix to include or exclude a word from the search; + is implicit. Example a search for all documents containing the word weather and not the word forecast
weather -forecast
Use “” around your expression to search for an exact match for that phrase
“weather forecast”
Restrict search into a project namespace like this
weather @project
Installed plugins
Plugins give extra functionality to this DokuWiki installation. As a user you can choose among the following plugins.
Highlight keystroke combinations. Example don't press CTRLALTDEL now.
The code for this was
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Write mathematical formula.
<m>S(f)(t)=a_{0}+sum{n=1}{+infty}{a_{n} cos(n omega t)+b_{n} sin(n omega t)}</m>
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Create tags for pages and then list make dynamic lists of tags. Add tags like this:
{{tag>stikkord1 stikkord2 stikkord3}}
Think twice before adding a tag. Use only lower case letters. Choose tags with a meaning.
Use singular form; server and not servers, printer and not pringers.
Create a dynamic list of tags. Use + and - to choose which pages to list.
{{topic>stikkord1 +stikkord3}}
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Create discussion forum for logged in users.
Discussion is volatile. They can be missing during the next upgrade of the system. Always write down important information on a page and not in a discussion.
Create a discussion with writing this in the page
Close an active discussion
Helper plugin for tag and discussion.
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