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International Workshop on Polar Lows in Oslo

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute in cooperation with ESA and The European Polar low working Group invites to:

Workshop on polar lows in Oslo, Norway, 2012

Event dates: Monday 21st May 2012 - Tuesday 22nd May 2012
Venue: CIENS Resource Centre, Oslo, Norway

The fourth International Polar Year (IPY) of 2008-2009 initiated an enhanced activity on climate and weather research in the polar regions. A cluster of international project named IPY-THORPEX was formed to focus research on challenges related to forecasting of adverse weather in the polar regions. One of the Norwegian contributions to the cluster was a three week field campaign at Andøy in Norther Norway, where the German DLR Falcon research air-craft was stationed during the campaign. The main focus of the campaign was to obtain observations of polar lows. One achievement was to capture a polar lows development during three stages on 3-4 March 2008 with dropsondes and Lidar observations.

The workshop aims at bringing together scientists and weather forecasters to present the results of the recent activity on polar low research, to share new knowledge and to encourage discussions on improved forecasting and understanding of polar lows.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: 1 February 2012
Download Formal Invitation


Øyvind Sætra
Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Postboks 43 - Blindern
0313 Oslo , NORWAY

Organizing committee:

Øyvind Sætra (
Jón Egill Kristjánsson (Univ. Oslo)
Günther Heinemann (Univ. Trier)

For further information on Oslo please visit:

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  • stars/workshop.1579780428.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:28
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