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NorStore Research Data Archive: Guidelines for ingestion of NorESM output
The recommendations presented on this page are based on discussion between Alok, Mats and Ingo. Please feel free to comment and modify them.
The access point to NorStore's Research Data Archive is
For testing purposes, the alternative site should be used.
Metadata recommendations
For NorESM1-M output:
For NorESM1-ME output:
Please follow DCMI recommendations when specifying coverage.
Box (
If coverage is global, use:
- northlimit=90
- southlimit=-90
- westlimit=-180
- eastlimit=180
- units=signed decimal degrees
(leave rest unspecified)
Period (
Specification of start- and end-year required (optionally, month and day):
- start=YYYY[-MM-DD]
- end=YYYY[-MM-DD]
- scheme=W3C-DTF
The value of scheme should be always set to W3C-DTF. The value of name can be left blank.
Recommended content in description:
- long version of title, e.g. “Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 pre-industrial control experiment.”
- citation information (see below)
- reference to CMIP5 experimental design (
- forcing agents (link to (INGO: skip?)
- initialisation (parent experiment, branch time) (INGO: skip?)
NorESM1-M citation:
Bentsen, M., Bethke, I., Debernard, J. B., Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland, Ø., Drange, H., Roelandt, C., Seierstad, I. A., Hoose, C., and Kristjánsson, J. E.: The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013, 2013.
NorESM1-ME citation:
Tjiputra, J. F., Roelandt, C., Bentsen, M., Lawrence, D. M., Lorentzen, T., Schwinger, J., Seland, Ø., and Heinze, C.: Evaluation of the carbon cycle components in the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 301-325, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-301-2013, 2013.
Mapping of CMIP experiment long/short names
10- or 30-year run initialized in year XXXX decadalXXXX volcano-free hindcast initialized in year XXXX noVolcXXXX prediction with 2010 volcano volcIn2010 pre-industrial control piControl historical historical historical extension historicalExt other historical forcing historicalMisc mid-Holocene midHolocene last glacial maximum lgm last millennium past1000 RCP4.5 rcp45 RCP8.5 rcp85 RCP2.6 rcp26 RCP6 rcp60 ESM pre-industrial control esmControl ESM historical esmHistorical ESM RCP8.5 esmrcp85 ESM fixed climate 1 esmFixClim1 ESM fixed climate 2 esmFixClim2 ESM feedback 1 esmFdbk1 ESM feedback 2 esmFdbk2 1 percent per year CO2 1pctCO2 abrupt 4XCO2 abrupt4xCO2 natural-only historicalNat GHG-only historicalGHG AMIP amip 2030 time-slice sst2030 control SST climatology sstClim CO2 forcing sstClim4xCO2 all aerosol forcing sstClimAerosol sulfate aerosol forcing sstClimSulfate 4xCO2 AMIP amip4xCO2 AMIP plus patterned anomaly amipFuture aqua planet control aquaControl 4xCO2 aqua planet aqua4xCO2 aqua planet plus 4K anomaly aqua4K AMIP plus 4K anomaly amip4K
Boundary conditions
-Prescribed atmospheric concentrations of pre-industrial well mixed gas: Carbon Dioxide -Unperturbed Pre-Industrial Land Use -Prescribed concentrations or emissions of pre-industrial natural aerosols -Prescribed concentrations or emissions of pre-industrial natural aerosol precursors -Prescribed atmospheric concentration of pre-industrial short lived (reactive) gas species -Prescribed concentrations or emissions of pre-industrial short lived (reactive) aerosol species -Prescribed atmospheric concentrations of pre-industrial well mixed gases: excluding CO2
If the dataset matches a NorESM case then specify the case name as label, e.g., NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06.
Rights holder
If in doubt, specify
- Organization: Norwegian Climate Centre
- Organization acronym: NCC
- Organization web-page:
We recommend to use following formula:
<MODEL ACRONYM> <PROJECT> <OFFICIAL EXPERIMENT ACRONYM> (<experiment number in Taylor document>) r<realisation number>[<realisation letter>] <output type>
NorESM1-M CMIP5 historicalExt (3.2) r1 raw output
NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 (4.2) r1a raw output
NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 (4.2) r1 cmor-processed output
<output type> should be a brief and general description of the type of output, e.g. raw output or cmor-processed output. Information on data format etc will be specified elsewhere.
<realisation letter> can be used if an experiment is composed of several cases – e.g., NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 r1
is associated with the cases NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_01
and NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_02
– and one intends to create a dataset for each cases.
Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-M cases:
piControl r1 NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06 1pctCO2 r1 N1850RMAERCN_f19_g16_01 abrupt4xCO2 r1 N18504XAERCN_f19_g16_01 amip r1 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) amip r2 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (2006-2008) amip r3 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (2006-2008) amip4xCO2 r1 NF20054XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NF20084XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) historical r1 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_01 historical r2 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02 historical r3 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_03 historicalExt r2 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02 historicalExt r3 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_03 historicalGHG r1 N20TRAERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) historicalMisc r1 N20TRAERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) historicalNat r1 N20TRAERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) rcp26 r1 NRCP26AERCN_f19_g16_01 rcp45 r1 NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_01 (2006-2100), NRCP45XTAERCN_f19_g16_01 (2101-2300) rcp6 r1 NRCP60AERCN_f19_g16_01 rcp85 r1 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_01 sst2030 r1 NFRCP45_2026-2035_f19_f19 sstClim r1 NF1850AERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 sstClim4xCO2 r1 NF18504XAERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 sstClimAerosol r1 NF1850AER20CNAMIPC_f19_f19_01
Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-ME cases names:
piControl r1 N1850AERCNOC_f19_g16_CTRL_02 1pctCO2 r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_02 historical r1 N20TRAERCNOC_01 esmControl r1 N1850AERBPRP_f19_g16_02 esmHistorical r1 N20TRAERCNOCBPRP_f19_g16_01 esmrcp85 r1 NRCP85AERBPRP_f19_g16_03 esmFdbk1 r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_RAD_02 esmFixClim1 r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_BGC_02 rcp26 r1 NRCP26AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2060), NRCP26AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2061-2101) rcp45 r1 NRCP45AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 rcp6 r1 NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2050), NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2051-2101) rcp85 r1 NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2044), NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2045-2100)
For CMIP5 output, specify Integrated Earth System Approach to Explore Natural Variability and Climate Sensitivity (EarthClim)
Conforms to
If in doubt, specify “Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions”
In case the output has been compressed, specify “gzip compression of restart files and conversion of history output to compressed NetCDF-4 format” and state the time stamp of the last compressed restart file.
Please add additional provenance entries in case further manipulations have been performed on the output.
Metadata example
Link to this section.
Parameter | Value | Comment |
Title | NorESM1-M CMIP5 historicalExt (3.2) r2 raw output | |
Created on | 29/Oct/2011 | Ingo: time stamp of the last restart folder (i.e, time experiment was completed) |
Category | Simulation | |
State | Raw | |
Domain | Natural Sciences | |
Field | Earth Sciences | |
Creator | Norwegian Climate Center (NCC) | |
Contributor | Alok Kumar Gupta ( | Ingo: NorStore defines the contributor as the person who puts in the metadata |
Data Manager | Alok Kumar Gupta ( | |
Rights Holder | Norwegian Climate Center (NCC) ( | Ingo: need to find better solution for the email address |
Access Rights | Public | Ingo: our processed CMIP5 is public, so we might as well make the raw data public |
Label | NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02 | Ingo: decided to use the experiment “case name” as label |
BibliographicCitation | | Ingo: the BibliographicCitation value has to be an URL. We decided to add additional citation information to Description |
Project | Integrated Earth System Approach to Explore Natural Variability and Climate Sensitivity (EarthClim) | |
Conforms to | Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions | |
Provenance | gzip compression of restart files and conversion of history output to compressed NetCDF-4 format | Ingo: specify time stamp of last compressed restart file |
Coverage | Box: southlimit=-90, northlimit=90, westlimit=-180, eastlimit=180, units=signed decimal degrees; Period: start=2006-01-01, end=2012-12-31, scheme=W3C-DTF | Ingo: use of DCMI standard makes it easy for external servers to interpret the coverage information |
Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 historical extension experiment with forcing scenario RCP8.5. Citation: Bentsen, M., Bethke, I., Debernard, J. B., Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland, Ø., Drange, H., Roelandt, C., Seierstad, I. A., Hoose, C., and Kristjánsson, J. E.: The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013, 2013. Technical details: Production machine: Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon) Model source: Model revision number: 112 Model components: atmosphere: CAM4; ocean: MICOM; land: CLM; sea ice: CICE Resolution: f19_g16=1.9×2.5 degree atmosphere/land. Dipolar ocean/ice grid, ~1 degree Output frequency: Monthly + daily + 6h + 3h as requested by CMIP5 Experiment type: Fully coupled Initialisation: Start from CMIP5 historical simulation r2 (N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02) at 2006-01-01 Changing forcing agents: prescribed GHG concentrations; aerosol emissions (SO4, POM and BC; see Kirkevåg et al. 2013) Tuning parameters changed relative to the host model CAM4: rhminl=0.90 (0.91 in CAM4) reduced RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds; critrp=5.0 mm/day (0.5 mm/day in CAM4) maximum precipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water; r3lc=14 um (10 um in CAM4) critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion Other comments: - External references: (experimental design) (model system, boundary conditions, experiments, etc) (Norwegian ESGF portal with post-processed CMIP5 data) (link to national publication database) (NorESM special issue)