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NorStore Research Data Archive: Guidelines for ingestion of NorESM output

The recommendations presented on this page are based on discussion between Alok, Mats and Ingo. Please feel free to comment and modify them.

We recommend to use following formula:

<MODEL ACRONYM> <PROJECT> <OFFICIAL EXPERIMENT ACRONYM> r<realisation number>[<realisation letter>] <output type> 


  • NorESM1-M CMIP5 historicalExt r1 raw output
  • NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 r1a raw output
  • NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 r1 cmor-processed output

<output type> should be a brief and general description of the type of output, e.g. raw output or cmor-processed output. Information on data format etc will be specified elsewhere.

<realisation letter> can be used if an experiment is composed of several cases – e.g., NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 r1 is associated with the cases NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 and NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 – and one intends to create a dataset for each cases.

Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-M cases:

 piControl      r1 NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06 
 1pctCO2        r1 N1850RMAERCN_f19_g16_01 
 abrupt4xCO2    r1 N18504XAERCN_f19_g16_01 
 amip           r1 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008)
 amip           r2 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (2006-2008)
 amip           r3 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (2006-2008)
 amip4xCO2      r1 NF20054XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NF20084XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008)
 historical     r1 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_01
 historical     r2 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02 
 historical     r3 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_03 
 historicalExt  r2 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02   
 historicalExt  r3 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_03 
 historicalGHG  r1 N20TRAERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012)
 historicalMisc r1 N20TRAERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012)
 historicalNat  r1 N20TRAERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012)
 rcp26          r1 NRCP26AERCN_f19_g16_01
 rcp45          r1 NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_01 (2006-2100), NRCP45XTAERCN_f19_g16_01 (2101-2300)
 rcp6           r1 NRCP60AERCN_f19_g16_01 
 rcp85          r1 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_01 
 sst2030        r1 NFRCP45_2026-2035_f19_f19 
 sstClim        r1 NF1850AERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01  
 sstClim4xCO2   r1 NF18504XAERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 
 sstClimAerosol r1 NF1850AER20CNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 

Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-ME cases names:

  piControl     r1 N1850AERCNOC_f19_g16_CTRL_02 
  1pctCO2       r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_02 
  historical    r1 N20TRAERCNOC_01
  esmControl    r1 N1850AERBPRP_f19_g16_02 
  esmHistorical r1 N20TRAERCNOCBPRP_f19_g16_01  
  esmrcp85      r1 NRCP85AERBPRP_f19_g16_03   
  esmFdbk1      r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_RAD_02  
  esmFixClim1   r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_BGC_02 
  rcp26         r1 NRCP26AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2060), NRCP26AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2061-2101)  
  rcp45         r1 NRCP45AERCNOC_f19_g16_02  
  rcp6          r1 NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2050), NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2051-2101) 
  rcp85         r1 NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2044), NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2045-2100)   

If the dataset matches a NorESM case then specify the case name as label, e.g., NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06.

If in doubt, specify

  • Organization: Norwegian Climate Centre
  • Organization acronym: NCC
  • Organization web-page:
  • Contact email:
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  • noresm/norstorearchive.1401193120.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)