
This is an old revision of the document!

To request model access, please send a request to with some background information on how you plan to use the model.

Untar NorESM1-M_sourceCode_vXXX.tar.zg in your home directory. This will install the model source code in the folder $HOME/NorESM1-M.

Untar NorESM1-M_inputdata_vXXX.tar.zg to a folder that is available during run-time and has at least 70 GB of free space. This will create a sub-folder inputdata and install NorESM's forcing data and other boundary conditions to it.

Untar NorESM1-M_initialPiHist1_vXXX.tar.zg to a folder that is available during run-time and has at least 2 GB of free space. This will install restart conditions for the CMIP5 PiControl and first member of historical experiment.

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  • noresm/noresm1-m_for_external_users.1503497372.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)