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Replaces a single missing value with a value obtained by linear interpolation between the immediate neighbors. See the specification 3.2.

The neighboring values may not be missing and must match the neighbor_*flags specification. If an interpolation is made, cfailed receives a message Qc2d-2.

Beyond the standard configuration options detailed in the user guide, the following options are available for SingleLinear.

  • missing_cflags (default: ftime=0&fmis=[1234]&fhqc=0|ftime=1&fmis=[14]&fhqc=0) and missing_uflags (default: no constraint) specify the flags for interpolation candidates. Missing values not matching these flags will not be detected.
  • neighbor_cflags (default: fmis=0) and neighbor_uflags (default: U0=[37]&U2=0) specify flag requirements for the neibhbor points
  • ftime0_flagchange (default: ftime=1;fmis=3→fmis=1;fmis=2→fmis=4) specifies the flag modification for the missing point if ftime was 0
  • ftime1_flagchange (default: fmis=1→fmis=3;fmis=4→fmis=2) specifies the flag modification for the missing point if ftime was 1
  • ParamId specifies a parameter id that should be inspected. This option can be given multiple times, and the check will be performed for all given parameter ids in the order they are specified in the configuration file.

This algorithm works only for hourly measurements.

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  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/requirements/algorithms/singlelinear.1322474887.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:18
  • (external edit)