This is an old revision of the document!


The base config file

kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ cat one.cfg2

# choose pluviometer check

# hour and minute when the check shall run; uses machine time, which might be UTC
# RunAtHour   =16
# RunAtMinute =35

Start_YYYY = 2015
Start_MM   = 01
Start_DD   = 01
Start_hh = 00
End_YYYY   = 2015
End_MM     = 12
End_DD     = 31
End_hh =23

# mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,stationnumber;mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,...
stations = 0.1:68125

# minutes<mm-precipitation;minutes<mm-precipitation;...
sliding_alarms = 2<8.1;3<11.9;5<16.2;10<25.6;15<27.3;20<34.4;30<42.0;45<49.1;60<54.9;90<56.7;180<60.8;360<83.3;720<144.1;1440<159.7

ParamId = 105

TypeId = 504

vipps_unlikely_single = 3
vipps_unlikely_start =  6
vipps_rain_interrupt = 3
rain_interrupt_max = 4
rain_interrupt_before_after = 2

NOT TESTED: The base config file without typeid and paramid

kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ cat one_none_typeid_paramid.cfg2

# choose pluviometer check

# hour and minute when the check shall run; uses machine time, which might be UTC
# RunAtHour   =16
# RunAtMinute =35

Start_YYYY = 2015
Start_MM   = 01
Start_DD   = 01
Start_hh = 00
End_YYYY   = 2015
End_MM     = 12
End_DD     = 31
End_hh =23

# mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,stationnumber;mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,...
stations = 0.1:68125

# minutes<mm-precipitation;minutes<mm-precipitation;...
sliding_alarms = 2<8.1;3<11.9;5<16.2;10<25.6;15<27.3;20<34.4;30<42.0;45<49.1;60<54.9;90<56.7;180<60.8;360<83.3;720<144.1;1440<159.7

vipps_unlikely_single = 3
vipps_unlikely_start =  6
vipps_rain_interrupt = 3
rain_interrupt_max = 4
rain_interrupt_before_after = 2

The base config file without typeid

kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ cat one_none_typeid.cfg2

# choose pluviometer check

# hour and minute when the check shall run; uses machine time, which might be UTC
# RunAtHour   =16
# RunAtMinute =35

Start_YYYY = 2015
Start_MM   = 01
Start_DD   = 01
Start_hh = 00
End_YYYY   = 2015
End_MM     = 12
End_DD     = 31
End_hh =23

# mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,stationnumber;mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,...
stations = 0.1:68125

# minutes<mm-precipitation;minutes<mm-precipitation;...
sliding_alarms = 2<8.1;3<11.9;5<16.2;10<25.6;15<27.3;20<34.4;30<42.0;45<49.1;60<54.9;90<56.7;180<60.8;360<83.3;720<144.1;1440<159.7

ParamId = 105

vipps_unlikely_single = 3
vipps_unlikely_start =  6
vipps_rain_interrupt = 3
rain_interrupt_max = 4
rain_interrupt_before_after = 2

What does the base config file mean?

What to edit and what not to edit. In practise it seems that only these keys need to be edited:
Start_YYYY = 2015
Start_MM   = 01
Start_DD   = 01
Start_hh = 00
End_YYYY   = 2015
End_MM     = 12
End_DD     = 31
End_hh =23

# mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,stationnumber;mm-per-tipping:stationnumber,...
stations = 0.1:68125

TypeId = 504
These means:
Start_YYYY = the start year for this run
Start_MM      =   the start month for this run
Start_DD      =   the start day for this run
Start_hh       =   the start hour for this run
End_YYYY  = the end year for this run
End_MM        = the end month for this run
End_DD        = the end day for this run
End_hh =23  = the end/last hour for this run

stations = 0.1:<the stationid for this run>
TypeId = the typeid for this run

Tips: Only one station and max one year for each run or the speed will slow significantly down.
(Copy the .cfg2 file)

kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ cp one.cfg2 one-68125-20110516-20111231.cfg2

(Editing the new .cfg2 file), look above
kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ $EDITOR one-68125-20110516-20111231.cfg2

Make new log-catalog:
kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ cd Log/
kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config//manuelle_Qc2ConfigLog$ mkdir 68125

(Running QC2 manual)

kvqc2d --logfile Log/68125/one-68125-20110516-20111231.log --run-config one-68125-20110516-20111231.cfg2

Logging to file 'Log/one-68125-20110516-20111231.log'
Looking up object in CORBA nameservice:
Disconnect from a PostgreSQL database!

(Produce one.html log from one.log)

kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config$ cd Log/68125/
kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/Log/68125$ kvalobs-log-mailer --logfile=one-68125-20110516-20111231.log --hqc-only --debug-no-mail > one-68125-20110516-20111231.html

(Copy log-files to disk1 on your own workstation)

kvalobs@histkvalobs:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config/manuelle_Qc2Config/Log/68125$ scp one-68125-20110516-20111231.html myuser@mycomputer:/disk1/QC2/Qc2Config/Log/68125$ 

(For those who shall inspect or analyse the logs and use the hqc application)

Copy log(s) to Google sharing disk area or enclosed in an email
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  • kvalobs/kvalobs/kvqc2d_manuell_bruk.1572870074.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:18
  • (external edit)