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Subtask 2.5.2

Title: Interfacing to ECOOP Data Management System

Lead partner:

Participants: All

Period: Months 4-24

  • clarify data policy issues within the various regions;
  • define data transfer procedures from data providers to the EDMS;
  • adopt data formats and procedures defined for the EDMS;
  • clarify data exchange requirements in the regional associations;
  • initial tests of the data flow procedures on representative sources in each region.
No. Title Resp MM Nature Diss Due
D2.5.2.1 Interfacing river runoff data to the ECOOP Data Management System 3 R PP 18
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  • ecoop-river/start/s2.5.2.1192460644.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)