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Action lists

No Action Resp Due Status
1 Create & distribute regional ECOOP River Data Catalogs V0 30.09.07 Closed
2 Find a “partner” to liaise with MOON 15.10.07 Open
3 Contact GRDC about data available (NRT and archive) and avenues for collaboration 15.10.07 Open
4 Identify and confirm national contact points in each region. RC's 31.10.07 Open
5 Formulate and send request for relevant information to national contact points RC's 31.10.07 Open
6 Find a “partner” to liaise with MOON 30.09.07 Open
7 Find a “partner” to liaise with MOON 30.09.07 Open
8 Find a “partner” to liaise with MOON 30.09.07 Open
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  • ecoop-river/start/s2.5.1/actions.1192473369.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)