
This is an old revision of the document!


  • More general plotting, all parameters in data source available
  • Move parameter definitions to the setupfile

move the definitions to the setupfile

sources=<list of sources defined OBSERVATION_FILES>
options=(misc in ObsManager)
dialogname= id:key:method:calc:precision:tooltip
  • dialogname - name of parameter used in dialog and command string
  • id - needed in synop/metar plot. id=TTT means that this parameter should be plotted in the TTT position
  • key - key used by the data source. bufr: descriptor, ascii: name of column,
  • method - how to plot the value - number, weathersymbol, cloudsymbol, etc
  • calc - change unit, height of clouds m→code
  • precision - number of digits

To be removed, use plotList

  • Minor changes map[id]=dialogname
  • Criteria limits
    • today - each parameter gets reasonable value limits in initDialog
    • suggestion - use LineEdit, not slider in the dialog
  • parameters like
    • precip last x hours
    • max wind/temp last x hours
  • Possible solution:
    • change map<string,float> in ObsData to map<string,some struct containing the info needed>
  • Dialog layout
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  • diana/observations.1408948739.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)