
This is an old revision of the document!

Changing projection library

  • Coordinates changed from grid (0:nx, 0:ny) to proj-coordinates
  • Grid resolution moved from class Projection to class Field
  • Transformations to/from lat/lon-values must be done using Projection::convertToGeographic() and Projection::convertFromGeographic()
  • Some classes still use grid-coordinates to some degree (TrajectoryPlot, FieldEdit)
  • Use Field::gridResolutionX/Y, not Projection::getGridResolutionX/Y()
  • Add gridResolutionX/Y to class Sat
  • Remove Projection::getGridResolutionX/Y()
  • Change Field::interpolate(), should use proj coordinates
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  • diana/diana_proj4.1269940339.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)