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      bufrread.pl <bufr file(s)>
          [--ahl <ahl_regexp>]
          [--filter <filter file>]
          [--outfile <filename>]
          [--param <descriptor file>]
          [--strict_checking n]
          [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>]
          [--verbose n]
          [--width n]

       --ahl <ahl_regexp>
                       Decode BUFR messages with AHL matching <ahl_regexp> only
       --all_operators Show all operator descriptors when printing section 4
       --bitmap        Display bit-mapped values on same line
       --codetables    Use code and flag tables to resolve values when unit
                       is [CODE TABLE] or [FLAG TABLE]
       --data_only     Print section 4 (data section) only
       --filter <filter file>
                       Decode observations meeting criteria in <filter file> only
       --help          Display Usage and explain the options used. For even
                       more info you might prefer to consult perldoc bufrread.pl
       --nodata        Do not print (nor decode) section 4 (data section)
       --noqc          Do not decode quality control
                       (or any descriptors following 222000)
       --on_error_stop Stop processing as soon as an error occurs during decoding
       --outfile <filename>
                       Will print to <filename> instead of STDOUT
                       Display a hex dump of optional section if present
       --param <descriptor file>
                       Display parameters with descriptors in <descriptor file> only
       --strict_checking n n=0 (default) Disable strict checking of BUFR format
                           n=1 Issue warning if (recoverable) error in
                               BUFR format
                           n=2 Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format.
                               Nothing more in this message/subset will be decoded.
       --tablepath <path to BUFR tables>
                       Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES})
       --verbose n     Set verbose level to n, 0<=n<=6 (default 0). n=1 will
                       show the tables loaded.
       --width n       Set width of field used for data values to n characters
                       (default is 15)

    Options may be abbreviated, e.g. "--h" or "-h" for "--help".

    To avoid having to use the "--tablepath" option, you are adviced to set
    the environment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR
    tables are located (unless the default path provided by bufrread.pl
    works for you).

    For option "--ahl" the <ahl_regexp> should be a Perl regular expression.
    E.g. "--ahl 'ISS... ENMI'" will decode only BUFR SHIP (ISS) from
    CCCC=ENMI. This is the only case where a little knowledge of Perl might
    be required for using the utility programs included in Geo::BUFR.

    For option "--param" each line in <descriptor file> should start with a
    BUFR descriptor (6 digits). Rest of line will be ignored. bufrread.pl
    will display values for these descriptors only.

    Using "--filter" will decode only those observations that meet one of
    the criteria in <filter file> (and all of those criteria marked D!).
    Comments (starting with #) are ignored. An example of a filter file is

      D: 001001
      D: 001001 001002
      3 895
      6 252
      D: 001011
      LF5U       # Ekofisk
      D!: 004004

    which decodes all observations with block number 01, two other specific
    WMO stations and one specific ship, all of which having hour (004004)
    equal to 6 or 7. If there is no value line after a descriptor line, it
    is enough that the observation contains the descriptor(s), whatever the
    values are. So to extract all ship messages from a BUFR file, the filter
    file should contain this single line only:

      D: 001011

    If an error occurs during decoding (typically because the required BUFR
    table is missing or message is corrupt), the BUFR message is skipped
    with an error message printed to STDERR, and processing then continues
    with the next BUFR message. You can change this default behaviour,
    however, by setting "--on_error_stop".
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  • bufr.pm/bufrread_help.1460966337.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)