
This is an old revision of the document!

la, lo, t = displacements: latitude (degree), longitude (degree) and time (seconds)

PP = pressure in hPa

hh = geopotential height

DD, FF = wind: direction and speed

TT, TD = temperature and dew point temperature in degrees Celcius

wsb, wsa = absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below/above

vss = vertical sounding significance:

s means surface level
S       standard level
t       tropopause level
M       maximum wind level
T       significant level temperature
H       significant level humidity
W       significant level wind
r       level determined by regional decision


obstime=2010-02-26 05:13:00
lat=  70.93970
lon=  -8.66790
n=           1
la=    0.00030
lo=   -0.00210
t=          10
vss=      sTHW
PP=     1006.6
hh=          9
DD=         12
FF=       15.2
TT=       -1.9
TD=       -5.6
n=           2
la=    0.00030
lo=   -0.00210
t=          58
vss=         S
PP=     1000.0
hh=         61
DD=         13
FF=       16.8
TT=       -2.8
TD=       -6.9
n=           3
la=   -0.00970
lo=   -0.01210
t=         116
vss=         W
PP=      970.5
hh=        297
DD=         18
FF=       19.6
TT=       -5.2
TD=       -8.3
n=           4
la=   -0.01970
lo=   -0.01210
t=         127
vss=        TH
PP=      931.9
hh=        614
DD=         19
FF=       15.5
TT=       -8.0
TD=       -9.9


n=          85
la=    0.02030
lo=   -1.13210
t=        4840
vss=         W
PP=       35.5
hh=      22702
DD=         93
FF=       15.8
TT=      -43.1
TD=      -79.0
n=          86
la=    0.02030
lo=   -1.16210
vss=       THW
PP=       33.2
hh=      23157
DD=        106
FF=       14.7
TT=      -44.5
TD=      -79.9
n=          87
t=        1672
vss=         S
PP=       30.0
hh=      23826
n=          88
la=   -0.01970
lo=   -0.47210
vss=        MW
PP=      324.7
wsb=       3.3
wsa=      16.0
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  • bufr.pm/bufrdump.pl_temp.1267184773.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)