
This is an old revision of the document!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (C) Copyright 2010, met.no
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
# pod included at end of file
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use constant DEFAULT_TABLE_PATH => '/usr/local/lib/bufrtables';
my $BUFRDUMP = 'bufrdump'; # You should add path if bufrdump is
                           # installed in a non-standard place
# Parse command line options
my %option = ();
           'tablepath=s', # Set BUFR table path
           'filter=s',    # Decode observations meeting the filter criteria specified only
           'param=s',     # Decode/print specified parameters only
           'csv',         # Use CSV format for printing
           'delimiter=s', # Choose the delimiter for the CSV format
           'sort',        # Sort on stationid (wmonr/nationalnr/call_sign/buoy_id/aircraft/icao_id/wigosid)
           'sort_on=s',   # Sort on specified parameter
           'station=s',   # Filter on list of stations
           'transform=s', # Do the transformations in <transformation file>
           'obstype=s',   # Force observation type
       ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 0);
# User asked for help
pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if $option{help};
# Make sure there is at least one input file
pod2usage(-verbose => 0) unless @ARGV;
# --csv can only be used together with --param
pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if $option{csv} && !$option{param};
# Prevent ECMWF software from printing table info
# Set BUFR table path environment variable used by bufrdump
if ($option{tablepath}) {
    # Command line option --tablepath overrides all
    $ENV{BUFR_TABLES} = $option{tablepath};
} elsif (!$ENV{BUFR_TABLES}) {
# ECMWF software requires trailing '/' in bufrpath
$ENV{BUFR_TABLES} .= '/' if substr($ENV{BUFR_TABLES},-1) ne '/';
die "Directory for BUFR tables: $ENV{BUFR_TABLES} does not exist"
    if ! -d $ENV{BUFR_TABLES};
my $obstype = $option{obstype} ? "--obstype $option{obstype}" : '';
my $filt = $option{filter} ? "$option{filter}" : '';
my $lon1 = $option{lon1} ? "--lon1 $option{lon1}" : '';
my $lat1 = $option{lat1} ? "--lat1 $option{lat1}" : '';
my $lon2 = $option{lon2} ? "--lon2 $option{lon2}" : '';
my $lat2 = $option{lat2} ? "--lat2 $option{lat2}" : '';
my $del = $option{delimiter} ? "$option{delimiter}" : ';';
my $delimiter = $option{delimiter} ? "--delimiter $del" : '';
# Any filter criteria provided?
my ($filter, $criteria_ref, $num_alt_ref) = get_filter_conditions($filt);
# Any specific stations requested?
my ($req_id, $req_stn_ref) = get_requested_stations($option{station});
# Any specific parameters specified?
my ($params_ref, $forced_params_ref) = get_params($option{param});
my $csv = $option{csv} ? 1 : 0;
# First line in CSV should be the parameters
print join($del, @$params_ref) . "\n" if $csv;
# Any transformations of units specified?
my $transform_file = $option{transform} ? $option{transform} : 0;
my $transform_ref = read_transformation_file($transform_file);
# Any sorting requested?
my $sort = $option{sort} ? 1 : 0;
my $sort_on = $option{sort_on} ? $option{sort_on} : '';
# What kind of sorting is required (if any)?
($sort_on, my $by) = get_sort_method($sort_on, $sort);
# Loop for processing of BUFR input files
my %data_of = ();
foreach my $inputfname (@ARGV) {
    # Dump the content of the BUFR file using the Fortran program $BUFRDUMP
    my $fortran_options = "$obstype $filter $lon1 $lat1 $lon2 $lat2";
    my $dump = `$BUFRDUMP $fortran_options $inputfname`;
    die if $?; # Reason for bufrdump failing should have been printed to STDERR
    # Then process the output from the dump
    my @lines = split /\n/, $dump;
    # Add an empty line to simplify processing
    push @lines, '';
    my $stnid = '';
    # Skip first (blank) line
    shift @lines;
    my @lines_to_print;
    my %msg; # Hash with parameter name as key, parameter value as value
    while (defined(my $line = shift @lines)) {
        # Each new message starts with a blank line
        if ($line !~ /^\s*$/) {
            # Skip error messages from libbufr, which should start with space(s)
            next LINE if $line =~ /^\s+/;
            # Build up the message to be (possibly) printed
            my ($param, $value) = ($line =~ /^(.+)=\s*(.*?)\s*$/);
            # Know only of one case where next check is necessary: if
            # a CCITT IA5 value contains new line (\n)
            next LINE if !defined $value;
            if ($transform_file && $transform_ref->{$param}) {
                # Replace value with transformed value
                my $transform = $transform_ref->{$param};
                $transform =~ s/\$x/$value/g;
                $value = eval $transform;
                die "Couldn't parse following transform:\n"
                    . $transform . "\nReason:\n$@" if $@;
                $line =~ s/=.*/=$value/;
            $msg{$param} = $value;
            push @lines_to_print, $line;
        if ($line =~ /^\s*$/ or @lines == 0) {
            # A full message has been completed. Should it be printed?
            if ($filt && filter_obs(\%msg, $criteria_ref, $num_alt_ref)) {
                # Skip this message
            } elsif ($req_id && filter_station(\%msg, $req_id, $req_stn_ref)) {
                # Skip this station
            } else {
                # Print the message (or if --sort or --sort_on: save the message)
                my $txt = '';
                if ($params_ref) {
                    # Print the params in @$params_ref if exists in
                    # message, in same order as in @$params_ref
                    foreach my $name (@$params_ref) {
                        if (exists $msg{$name}) {
                            $txt .= $csv ? $msg{$name} . $del : "$name=$msg{$name}\n";
                        } elsif ($forced_params_ref->{$name}) {
                            $txt .= $csv ? '-32767' . $del : "$name=-32767\n";
                        } elsif ($csv) {
                            $txt .= $del;
                } else {
                    foreach my $line2 (@lines_to_print) {
                        $line2 =~ s/=\s+/=/;
                        $txt .= $line2 . "\n";
                if ($csv) {
                    # Remove last $del
                    for (1 .. length($del)) {
                        chop $txt;
                if ($txt) {
                    if ($sort) {
                        # Sort wmonr before nationalnr before call sign before
                        # buoy_id before aircraft before icaoid before wigosid
                        if ($msg{wmonr}) {
                            $stnid = '00_' . $msg{wmonr};
                        } elsif ($msg{nationalnr}) {
                            $stnid = '10_' . $msg{nationalnr};
                        } elsif ($msg{call_sign}) {
                            $stnid = '20_' . $msg{call_sign};
                        } elsif ($msg{buoy_id}) {
                            $stnid = '30_' . $msg{buoy_id};
                        } elsif ($msg{aircraft}) {
                            $stnid = '40_' . $msg{aircraft};
                        } elsif ($msg{icao_id}) {
                            $stnid = '50_' . $msg{icao_id};
                        } elsif ($msg{wigosid}) {
                            $stnid = '60_' . $msg{wigosid};
                        } else {
                            # Skip observation if no station identification found
                            next LINE;
                        if ($sort_on) {
                            my $val = exists $msg{$sort_on} ? $msg{$sort_on} : '';
                            my $key = $stnid . '|' . $val;
                            $data_of{$key} = exists $data_of{$key}
                            ? $data_of{$key} . "$txt\n" : "$txt\n";
                        } else {
                            $data_of{$stnid} = exists $data_of{$stnid}
                            ? $data_of{$stnid} . "$txt\n" : "$txt\n";
                    } elsif ($sort_on) {
                        my $val = exists $msg{$sort_on} ? $msg{$sort_on} : '';
                        $data_of{$val} = exists $data_of{$val}
                        ? $data_of{$val} . "$txt\n" : "$txt\n";
                    } else {
                        # No sorting. We can print the line immediately
                        print $txt .= "\n" if $txt;
                $txt = '';
            }               # Finished message
            @lines_to_print = ();
            %msg = ();
# If sorting requested, we cannot print before now
if ($sort && $sort_on) {
    for (sort $by keys %data_of) {
        print $data_of{$_};
} elsif ($sort) {
    for (sort keys %data_of) {
        print $data_of{$_};
} elsif ($sort_on) {
    # Print observations with missing value for the sort parameter lastly
    my $data_of_missing_value = $data_of{''} || '';
    delete $data_of{''};
    for (sort $by keys %data_of) {
        print $data_of{$_};
    print $data_of_missing_value if $data_of_missing_value;
# Read the filter conditions (if any). Return the filter option to be
# used by bufrdump, the found criteria (if any) as well as the number
# of succeeding alternatives for each criterium
sub get_filter_conditions {
    my $filt = shift;
    return ('') if ! $filt;
    my $fortran_filter = '';
    my @f;
    if ($filt =~ /,/) {
        # Argument to --filter is a comma separated list
        @f = split /,/, $filt;
    } else {
        # Argument to --filter is a file
        $fortran_filter = "--filter $filt";
        open my $FILTER, '<', $filt
            or die "Cannot open $filt: $!";
        # Skip the criteria meant for Fortran parsing, i.e. proceed to
        # first line following a blank line
        while (<$FILTER>) {
            last if $_ =~ /^\s*$/;
        @f = <$FILTER>;
        close $FILTER or die "Cannot close $filt: $!";;
    return ($fortran_filter) if !@f; # BUFR descriptor criteria only
    my @allowed_operators =
    my @criteria;
    my @num_alt; # Number of alternative criteria following this,
                 # i.e. if line is '<cr1> | <cr2> | <cr3>' then
                 # corresponding values in @num_alt will be 2,1,0
    # Read the filter criteria meant for Perl parsing, skipping blank
    # lines and comment lines
    foreach my $line (@f) {
        $line =~ s/^\s+//;
        $line =~ s/\s+$//;
        next FILTERLINE if !$line || $line =~ /^#/;
        my @crit = split /\|/, $line;
        my $num = scalar @crit;
        foreach my $criterium (@crit) {
            $criterium =~ s/^\s+//;
            $criterium =~ s/\s+$//;
            if ($criterium ne '') {
                push @criteria, $criterium;
                push @num_alt, --$num;
    return ($fortran_filter) if !@criteria;
    # Check that the criteria are properly formatted
    foreach my $criterium (@criteria) {
        # Naked parameter possibly preceded by '!' is ok
        next if $criterium =~ /^!?\w+$/;
        my $op = (split / +/, $criterium)[1];
        if (!defined($op) or grep(/[+*?\\]/, $op)
            or !grep(/^$op$/, @allowed_operators) ) {
            print "Error in $filt:\ncriterium is badly formatted"
                . " or operator not supported:\n$criterium";
            exit 1;
    return ($fortran_filter, \@criteria, \@num_alt);
# Read the parameters into @params, those preceded by an exclamation
# mark also into %forced_params, and return references to these two.
sub get_params {
    my $params = shift;
    return if ! $params;
    my @params;
    my %forced_params;
    if ($params =~ /,/) {
        # Argument to --params is a comma separated list
        my @p = split /,/, $params;
        foreach my $name (@p) {
            $name =~ s/^\s+//;
            $name =~ s/\s+$//;
            if ($name =~ /^!/) {
                $name = substr $name, 1;
                $forced_params{$name} = 1;
            push @params, $name;
    } else {
        # Argument to --params is a file
        open my $PARAM, '<', $params
            or die "Cannot open file $params: $!";
        while (my $name = <$PARAM>) {
            # Skip blank lines and comment lines
            $name =~ s/^\s+//;
            $name =~ s/\s+$//;
            next if !$name || $name =~ /^#/;
            if ($name =~ /^!/) {
                $name = substr $name, 1;
                $forced_params{$name} = 1;
            push @params, $name;
        close $PARAM or die "Cannot close $params: $!";
    return \@params, \%forced_params;
sub read_transformation_file {
    my $transform_file = shift;
    return if !$transform_file;
    open my $TRANSFORM, '<', $transform_file
        or die "Cannot open $transform_file: $!";
    # Read in the transformations, skipping blank lines and comment
    # lines
    my %transform_of;
    while (my $line = <$TRANSFORM>) {
        $line =~ s/^\s+//;
        $line =~ s/\s+$//;
        next if !$line || $line =~ /^#/;
        my ($param, $transform) = split /=/, $line, 2;
        die "Invalid transformation in $transform_file:\n$line\n"
            unless $transform;
        $param =~ s/\s+$//;
        $transform =~ s/^\s+//;
        $transform_of{$param} = $transform;
    close $TRANSFORM or die "Cannot close $transform_file: $!";
    return \%transform_of;
# Return true (1) if observation is to be filtered, i.e. does not
# comply with at least one line in filter file, where each line is one
# or more alternatives <param> or <param> <operator> <value>
sub filter_obs {
    my $msg_ref = shift;
    my $criteria_ref = shift;
    my $num_alt_ref = shift; # gives the number of alternative
                             # criteria still to be checked
    return unless $criteria_ref;
    my @ascii_params = qw(aircraft call_sign icao_id name obstime type wigosid);
    # Note that the loop counter $i might be changed in the loop
    for (my $i=0; $i < @{$criteria_ref}; $i++) {
        my $num_alt = $num_alt_ref->[$i];
        my $criterium = $criteria_ref->[$i];
        my ($f_param, $f_operator, $f_value) = split / +/, $criterium, 3;
        # First check for !$par, meaning $par should not be in the observation
        if (substr($f_param,0,1) eq '!') {
            $f_param = substr($f_param,1);
            # If parameter is present, criterium is not fullfilled
            if (exists $msg_ref->{$f_param}) {
                next if $num_alt; # More alternatives to check
                # Criterium not fulfilled and no more alternatives to
                # check. This observation should be filtered away
                return 1;
            } else {
                # Criterium fulfilled. No need to check alternative criteria
                $i += $num_alt if $num_alt;
        # If parameter not present, criterium is obviously not fullfilled
        if (not exists $msg_ref->{$f_param}) {
            next if $num_alt;
            return 1;
        my $msg_value = $msg_ref->{$f_param};
        # If a naked parameter criterium, we already know parameter is
        # present (as found in previous check), so criterium is fulfilled
        if (not defined $f_operator) {
            if ($num_alt) {
                # No need to check the alternative criteria
                $i += $num_alt;
        chomp $f_value;
        my $op;
        if ($f_operator eq '<'
            || $f_operator eq '<='
            || $f_operator eq '>'
            || $f_operator eq '>='
            || $f_operator eq '=~'
            || $f_operator eq '!~') {
            $op = $f_operator;
        } elsif ($f_operator eq '='
                 || $f_operator eq '!=') {
            if (grep {$_ eq $f_param} @ascii_params) {
                $msg_value =~ s/\s*$//;
                $op = ($f_operator eq '=') ? 'eq' : 'ne';
            } else {
                $op = ($f_operator eq '=') ? '==' : '!=';
        } else {
            die "Internal error: unknown operator '$f_operator'";
	# Some parameters might need special massaging
        if ($f_operator !~ /~/) {
            if ($f_param eq 'wmonr' || $f_param eq 'buoy_id') {
                # Make non octal by removing leading 0
                $msg_value =~ s/^0+//;
                $f_value =~ s/^0+// if $f_value != 0;
            } elsif ($f_param eq 'nationalnr') {
                # Convert to a pure numerical value (float). For 001101
                # State id only numbers between 100 and 699 are operational
                $msg_value =~ s/_0*/./;
                $f_value =~ s/_0*/./;
            } elsif ($f_param eq 'obstime') {
                # Convert to a pure numerical value (float)
                $msg_value =~ s/[-:]//g;
                $msg_value =~ s/ /./;
                $f_value =~ s/[-:']//g;
                $f_value =~ s/^ +//;
                $f_value =~ s/ +$//;
                $f_value =~ s/ /./;
            } elsif ($f_param eq 'name') {
                # Add or correct quoting to "" and ignore casing
                $msg_value = '"' . lc $msg_value . '"';
                $f_value = lc $f_value;
                if ($f_value =~ /^'.*'$/) {
                    $f_value =~ s/^'//;
                    $f_value =~ s/'$//;
                if ($f_value !~ /^".*"$/) {
                    $f_value = '"' . $f_value . '"';
	my $condition = "$msg_value $op $f_value";
	# Some values should be string values
	if ($f_operator =~ /~/) {
	    $condition = "q{$msg_value} $op $f_value";
	} elsif (grep {$_ eq $f_param} @ascii_params) {
	    $condition = "q{$msg_value} $op q{$f_value}";
        # Finally, do the criterium check
	if (eval $condition) {
	    # No need to check the remaining alternative criteria
	    $i += $num_alt if $num_alt;
	} else {
	    next if $num_alt;
	    return 1;
    # All filter conditions have been fullfilled
    return 0;
# Return the type of station requested, and the station
# identifications. Leave some leeway for how to list wmonr and
# nationalnr (leading 0's might be omitted - added here)
sub get_requested_stations {
    my $req_stations = shift;
    return if !$req_stations;
    die "Station list must start with 'wmonr=', 'nationalnr=', "
        . "'call_sign=', 'buoy_id=', 'aircraft=', 'icao_id' or 'wigosid='"
        unless $req_stations
        =~ /^(wmonr=|nationalnr=|call_sign=|buoy_id=|aircraft=|icao_id=|wigosid=)/;
    my ($id, $rest) = split /=/, $req_stations;
    my @stations = split /,/, $rest;
    if ($id eq 'wmonr') {
        my @req_stn;
        foreach my $station (@stations) {
            # Turn $station into a 5 digit wmonr
            $station =~ s/^0+//;
            $station += 1000 if $station < 1000;
            $station = sprintf("%05d", $station);
            push @req_stn, $station;
        return ($id, \@req_stn);
    } elsif ($id eq 'nationalnr') {
        my @req_stn;
        foreach my $station (@stations) {
            # Turn national station number into 10 digits
            my ($state_id, $national_id) = split /_/, $station;
            die "Uncorrected formatted station: '$station' in station list"
                if !defined $national_id or $national_id eq '';
            $station = $state_id . '_' . sprintf("%010d", $national_id);
            push @req_stn, $station;
        return ($id, \@req_stn);
    } else {
        return ($id, \@stations);
# Return true (1) if observation does not contain one of the stations
# listed in @$req_stn_ref (of type $req_id), i.e. if this observation
# should be filtered away
sub filter_station {
    my ($msg_ref, $req_id, $req_stn_ref) = @_;
    return 1 unless $msg_ref->{$req_id};
    my $stn = $msg_ref->{$req_id};
    return !grep { $_ eq $stn } @$req_stn_ref;
# When --sort_on is used, need to supply the sort method. Also returns
# input parameter $sort_on with possible trailing '-' (or '+')
# stripped off
sub get_sort_method {
    my ($sort_on, $sort) = @_;
    return if !$sort_on;
    my $ascending_sort = 1;
    # A minus sign appended to the sort parameter means descending sort
    if ($sort_on =~ /-$/) {
        $ascending_sort = 0;
        chop $sort_on;
    # Just in case someone adds a '+' to signify ascending sort
    if ($sort_on =~ /[+]$/) {
        chop $sort_on;
    my @ascii_params = qw(aircraft call_sign icao_id obstime name type wigosid);
    my $lexical_sort = grep {$_ eq $sort_on} @ascii_params;
    my $sort_sub;
    if ($sort) {
        $sort_sub = sub {
            my ($stn_a, $val_a) = split /\|/, $a;
            my ($stn_b, $val_b) = split /\|/, $b;
            # Sort on stationid is always lexical and ascending
            my $cmp = $stn_a cmp $stn_b;
            if ($cmp) {
                return $cmp;
            } else {
                # Stationids are equal. Sort on value of sort_on parameter
                if ($lexical_sort) {
                    if ($ascending_sort) {
                        return $val_a cmp $val_b;
                    } else {
                        return $val_b cmp $val_a;
                } else {
                    # Numerical sort
                    if ($ascending_sort) {
                        return $val_a <=> $val_b;
                    } else {
                        return $val_b <=> $val_a;
    } else {
        # Sort restricted to sort_on parameter
        $sort_sub = sub {
            if ($lexical_sort) {
                if ($ascending_sort) {
                    return $a cmp $b;
                } else {
                    return $b cmp $a;
            } else {
                # Numerical sort
                if ($ascending_sort) {
                    return $a <=> $b;
                } else {
                    return $b <=> $a;
    return ($sort_on, $sort_sub);
  bufrdump.pl <bufr file(s)>
      [--filter <filter file | filter list>]
      [--param <parameter file | parameter list> [--csv [--delimiter <del>]]
      [--sort_on <parameter>[-]]
      [--station <station list>]
      [--transform <transformation file>]
      [--lon1 <x1>]
      [--lat1 <y1>]
      [--lon2 <x2>]
      [--lat2 <y2>]
      [--obstype <amdar|ocea|surface|sounding|sounding->]
      [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>]
Extracts BUFR messages from BUFR file(s) and prints section 4 as
"parameter=value" lines. Calls the Fortran program bufrdump
internally, so this program must be installed at the location set in
variable $BUFRDUMP in source code.
Execute without arguments for Usage, with option C<--help> for some
additional info. See also L</https://wiki.met.no/bufr.pm/start> for
examples of use.
=head1 OPTIONS
  --filter <filter file | filter list>
                  Decode observations meeting criteria in filter file or
                  filter list only
  --param <parameter file | parameter list> [--csv [--delimiter <del>]]
                  Print parameters in parameter file or comma
                  separated list (e.g. wmonr,TA) only, in same order
                  as they occur there. If using --csv possibly
                  followed by --delimiter <del>, the parameters vill
                  be printed using the CSV (comma-separated values)
                  format, with the delimiter del (default is ';')
  --sort          Sort the decoded observations on station identification;
                  first stations with wmonr, then stations with nationalnr,
                  call_sign, buoy_id, aircraft, icao_id or wigosid
                  (others left out)
  --sort_on <parameter>[-] Sort the decoded observations on increasing
                  values of parameter, or decreasing values if a '-'
                  follows the parameter name. E.g. --sort_on TA- will
                  sort on decreasing temperatures. Observations not
                  containing the parameter at all will be printed lastly,
                  except when --sort_on is combined with --sort (in which
                  case sorting is done firstly on station identification,
                  secondly on parameter with missing values printed first)
  --station <station list>
                  Print observations for stations in station list only,
                  e.g. wmonr=01384,01492
  --transform <transformation file>
                  Do the transformations of parameter values listed in
                  transformation file
  --lon1 <x1>     Decode observations with longitude >= x1 only
  --lat1 <y1>     Decode observations with latitude >= y1 only
  --lon2 <x2>     Decode observations with longitude <= x2 only
  --lat2 <y2>     Decode observations with latitude <= y2 only
                  x1,y1,x2,y2 should be decimal degrees
  --obstype <amdar|ocea|surface|sounding|sounding->]
                  Force observation type. If this option is not set,
                  will make an educated guess of observation type
                  based on metadata in section 1 of each BUFR message
  --tablepath <path to BUFR tables>
                  Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES})
  --help          Print this Usage (but you might instead prefer to use
                  perldoc bufrdump.pl)
Options may be abbreviated, e.g. --h or -h for --help.
To avoid having to use the C<--tablepath> option, you are adviced to
set the environment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your
BUFR tables are located (unless the default path provided by
bufrdump.pl works for you).
The lines in <parameter file>, or the comma separated values in
<parameter list>, should be name of the parameters you want to be
printed. For example, if you want only station identification and
temperature to be printed for a BUFR SYNOP file, either supply
as argument to --params, or supply a <parameter file> which should
look like this:
If you want "parameter=value" to be printed also when value is missing
in BUFR message, precede the parameter name with an exclamation mark
(e.g. '!TA'). Missing values will then be displayed as -32767. If the
argument to --param is a parameter list, you must prevent the shell
from attaching special meaning to the exclamation mark by enclosing the
list in single quotes.
If the parameter list consists of one parameter only, a comma must be
appended (e.g. 'wmonr,') because bufrdump.pl uses the appearence of
comma to signal that this is not a filename but parameter name(s).
If --csv is used in conjunction with --param, all values will be
printed using the CSV format, with first line listing the parameters,
and with missing fields printed as -32767 if the parameter is marked
with '!' in parameter file or list. With the parameter file above, the
listing may for example start like
You can choose another delimiter than semicolon by use of option
--delimiter <del>, e.g. --csv --delimiter ','
Using --filter will decode only those observations that meet at least
one of the BUFR descriptor criteria and all of the parameter criteria
in <filter file>, where the BUFR descriptor criteria should come first
in filter file followed by a blank line, then comes the parameter
criteria which should match <param> or !<param> or <param> <operator>
<value> where operator is one of =, !=, =~, !~, <, <=, > and >=. What
follows =~ and !~ should be a Perl match regular expression. The parameter
criteria may be phrased as alternatives by separating them with '|' on
a single line. An example filter file is
  D: 001001 I2.2
  D: 001001 I2.2 001002 I3.3
  03 895
  06 252
  D: 001011 A9
  type = Manned
  NN != 8
  TA >= 5
  TA < 9.5
which decodes all observations with block number 01, two other
specific wmo stations and one specific ship, where stations should be
manned and have cloud cover with a value different from 8, and have
temperature between 5 and 9.5 degrees Celsius, and contain
precipitation for last 24 hours. Comment lines starting with # will be
Another example: the filter file (starting with a blank line!)
  call_sign =~ /^L[A-N]..$/
  obstime >= '2012-02-10 06:00:00'
  HW | HWA | PW | PWA
  FF > 10 | FG_010 > 10
will print only those ship observations for which the 4 character
call_sign starts with 2 letters in the interval LA-LN, and having
obstime larger or equal to the datetime given, and containing wave
data (specifically: height or period of waves, manually or
automatically measured), and with wind or 10 minutes gust more than 10
For convenience, when there are no BUFR descriptor criteria, you might
provide the filter criteria on the command line. Example:
--filter 'wmonr,TA > 0,RR_12 | RR_24, !FF'
will decode only observations with wmonr, having positive temperature
and containing precipitation for 12 or 24 hours and not reporting
wind. If (like for --param) the filter list consists of one criterium
only, a comma must be appended.
To avoid the need of creating a filter file when observations for some
few stations are requested, you can provide the stations in a comma
separated list after option --station. Some examples:
  --station wmonr=01001,01152,01492
  --station nationalnr=614_0050410003,637_108
  --station call_sign=LF5U
  --station buoyid=64607,64609
  --station aircraft=EU3421,JHCWUURA
  --station icao_id=ENGM,ENBO
  --station wigosid=0-376-0-511,0-20000-0-01492
You cannot mix different kinds of stations this way (before '=' you
must choose either wmonr, nationalnr, call_sign, buoy_id, aircraft,
icao_id or wigosid). Note also that providing the stations in the BUFR
descriptor part (first part) of the filter file will speed up
execution time considerably, compared to using option --station. It is
possible to combine --filter with --station if done with some care,
e.g. specifying WMO block 01 and the required parameters in filter
file, then the requested stations in station list.
The --transform option is provided mainly to be able to use other
units than what is default in bufrdump.pl. The transformation file
should list the transformations wanted, one per line as
  <parameter> = <perl expression involving $x>
where $x is original value of the parameter.
For example, the following transformation file will display wind speed
FF and wind gust FG in knots instead of m/s, rounded to one decimal,
and cloud cover NN in % (instead of the default which is using WMO
code table 2700, roughly counting octas):
  FF = sprintf("%.1f", $x*1.9438)
  FG = sprintf("%.1f", $x*1.9438)
  NN = int($x*12.5 + .5)
If --transform is combined with --filter, the filter criteria should
refer to the transformed values. E.g. if the above NN transform to %
is to be applied for sky not all covered by clouds, you should use NN
!= 100 instead of NN != 8 in filter file.
The --obstype option might be handy in some special cases, like when
you are interested only in the surface part of oceanographic data
(then use '--obstype surface'), or when you want to see only levels
with vss>0 in high resolution radiosonde data (then use '--obstype
sounding-'), or when data category and/or data sub-category in the
BUFR messages have unusual values.
=head1 AUTHOR
Pål Sannes E<lt>pal.sannes@met.noE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2010 met.no
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  • bufr.pm/bufrdump.pl_source.1540372634.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
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