
This is an old revision of the document!

Command run:

perl bufralter.pl 1xBUFRSYNOP-ed4.bufr \
--data 004005=10 --data 012101=missing --update_number -1 \
--bufr_edition 3  --centre 88 \
--master_table_version 11 --local_table_version 0 \
--outfile altered.bufr --verbose 1

Output to screen (from setting –verbose=1)

Decoded content before running bufralter.pl (running buffread.pl on 1xBUFRSYNOP-ed4.bufr)

Decoded content after running bufralter.pl (running bufrread.pl on altered.bufr)

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  • bufr.pm/bufralter.pl_synop.1270045634.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)