EMEP/MSC-W model Training Courses
Training courses for the EMEP/MSC-W model have been arranged a few times since 2013 at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no) in Oslo. Below are presentations(/lectures) from the arranged model courses available. Latest model code used for exercises is on this EMEP MSC-W model training course page. If you are/have not attended the course, the model is available from Open Source EMEP MSC-W model. Please contact us on emep-mscw@met.no if you have questions regarding the courses or about any EMEP/MSC-W related work.
29-30th April 2019
The Presentations of EMEP MSC-W Training Course from 29-30th April 2015 are available at the following links:
Training Course Introduction, David Simpson
Structure and technical details, Peter Wind
Forecasting with uEMEP, Bruce Denby
SR calculations, Michael Gauss
Usage of WRF meteorology with the EMEP MSC-W model, Massimo Vieno
13-14th October 2015
The Presentations of EMEP MSC-W Training Course from 13-14th October 2015 are available at the following links:
Training Course Introduction 131015, David Simpson
Structure and Technical Details 131015, Peter Wind
Input Meteorology 131015, Anna Benedictov
Exercises 131015, Notes, Semeena Valiyaveetil,
Aerosols and AOD 141015, Svetlana Tsyro
WRF EMEP 250413, Massimo Vieno
EMEP China Applications 141015, Li Liu
EMEP for CAMS 141015, Michael Gauss
Chemistry 141015, David Simpson
Nickel in EMEP 141015, Tore Flatdalsmo
NCL Plotting 141015,NCL Plotting Scripts, Alvaro Valdebenito
24-26th April 2013
The Presentations of EMEP MSC-W Taining Course from 24-26th April 2013 are available at the following links:
EMEP MSC-W Model History and Principles 240413, David Simpson
Model Training Course Introduction 240413, Svetlana Tsyro
Computer Requirements 240413, Peter Wind
Meteorology 240413, Anna Benedictov
Exercises 240413, Exercises_Notes 240413, Semeena Valiyaveetil
Chemistry 250413, David Simpson
Aerosols 250413, Svetlana Tsyro
Grid Flexibility 250413, Peter Wind
Outputs 250413, Jan Eiof Jonson
New Species 250413, Birthe Steensen
Plume Rise 250413, Mathias Karl
WRF EMEP 250413, Massimo Vieno
Future Issues 250413, David Simpson
NCL Plotting 260413,NCL Plotting Scripts, Alvaro Valdebenito
Plotting 260413, Semeena Valiyaveetil
Products 260413, Michael Gauss