
This is an old revision of the document!


METAMOD 2.x is a portal solution providing Discovery, Access and Retrieve functionality for scientific datasets along with tools for metadata handling etc. It allows for automatical and manual DAR Metadata creation. The Metadata can be converted to different formats and exposed using different search-interfaces, i.e. ISO23950 and OAI-PM. METAMOD 2.x has been designed to be easily integratable with OpENDAP or ftp data-servers, i.e. THREDDS and allows data-upload through FTP and HTTP interfaces.

Screenshot of METAMOD Search Interface



  • Simplified installation - now running directly from source, Debian installer
  • WMS visualization of time series, aggregated datasets, collection basket
  • Final PHP module (OAI-PMH) rewritten in Perl
  • Added config defaults, simplifying site administration


  • Allowing near-realtime data upload
  • Queue system implemented for background jobs
  • Cron scheduling for Harvester, FTP upload
  • Improvements in the metadata backend
  • Each site must now run separate userbase


  • Stable release using Catalyst/Perl web frontend
  • Hashed passwords for improved security


  • Technology preview using Catalyst/Perl for web interface instead of PHP


  • Connecting to SRU2JDBC for ISO23950 support
  • Dataset subscription via e-mail and RSS support
  • Improved ISO19115/19139 support compatible with WIS and GeoNetworks
  • WMS improvements
  • User database


  • WMS presentation of data
  • WMS preview in client
  • Registration of files in existing repository
  • Search in different world-maps

Internal release number only.


  • general text search
  • methods for re-projecting 2D data (fimex)
  • methods for connecting to WMS server
  • module for automatic update of THREDDS catalog.
  • improvements in PMH server and dataset administration.


  • implementation of a two-level view of datasets. At the highest level, datasets representing several files are described. Details of each file are described at the second level.



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  • metamod/start.1326729538.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)