Selected Station Overview
List of selected stations for trend analysis. Here one can display national and regional (benchmark) datasets to be used for trend analysis.
EMEP datasets
Final dataset for trend analysis,
After the TFMM workshop in Krakow, further screening of the datasets was done and a final datasets and statistical results can be downloaded: These data are used in the Joint Report of the EMEP TFMM, CCC, MSC-E, MSC-W, Air pollution trends in the EMEP region between 1990 and 2012,EMEP/CCC-Report 1/2016
Sulfur, nitrogen and PM
- Benchmark dataset in excel format for S,N and PM including annual and seasonal means
- Benchmark dataset annual mean in ascii format for S,N and PM
- Benchmark dataset seasonal mean in ascii format for S,N and PM
- statistical output og annual trends in zipped ascii files, signifikant criteria to p=0.1 Annual p.01 trends and p=0.05 Annual p.05 trends
- statistical output og seasonal trends in zipped ascii files, signifikant criteria to p=0.1 Seasonal trends
- README Short explanation of the data
- Data:
- Hourly ozone data 1990-2012 (84 Mb)
- Hourly ozone data 1990-2001 (44 Mb)
- Hourly ozone data 2002-2012 (72 Mb)
- Trends per station:
Site selection and trend analysis prior TFMM workshop in Krakow, May 2015)
After review by the Parties, an extended and improved list of sites have been included in the trend analysis. EMEP sites with data completeness of 75% throughout the year (or season) and 75% of years covered for the respektive time periods (1990-2012 / 1990-2001 / 2002-2012) have been included. The dataset and results are presented in the excel files below:
Sulphur, nitrogen, PM10 and PM2.5
- Benchmark dataset for S,N and PM including annual and seasonsal means
- Summary of results for S, N and PM including annual and seasonal trends
- statistical output in ascii files (zipped) Annual trendsSeasonal trends
Plots of timeseries and the Sen slope if sinificant trend (p=0.05) (pdf files)
Statistical output of the Mann Kendall and Sen slope calculations (text files)
Statistical output of daily means and 8h daily max in ascii files (zipped)ascii
Plotted time series and trends for daily means (zipped)Means, pdfs
Plotted time series and trends for 8h daily max (zipped)Max, pdfs
Sites used in the Tørseth et al (2012) paper
The EMEP stations used in the review paper by Tørseth et al 2012 can be downloaded in the below excel files. All the site used that study is listed in appendix A
The datasets are extended to 2012 compared to 2009 in the mentioned paper:
- EMEP benchmark dataset for S,N and PM, annual means in air and precipitation 1980-2012. Note that for sulphur, Tørseth et al only includes sites with co-current measurements in air and precipitation. More sites could be addeded for the trend assessement main components
- EMEP benchmark dataset for HM and POPs, annual means in air and precipitation heavy metals and POPs
- EMEP benchmark dataset for ozone. In Tørseth et al,, a criteria of 75% data coverage was used to select the stations. In the file the sites and number of years with 75% yearly coverage is listed. Further selections may be necessary depending on which years and months are missing. Ozone
Citation: Tørseth, K., Aas, W., Breivik, K., Fjæraa, A. M., Fiebig, M., Hjellbrekke, A. G., Lund Myhre, C., Solberg, S., and Yttri, K. E.: Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972–2009, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5447-5481, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5447-2012, 2012
Comments to the selection of sites and data? |
The Melpitz Site (DE0049) Lat. 51.32.0 N 12.56.0 E 86 masl. should be added for PM10 and PM2.5 (compare Spindler et al. 2013 in TFMM trend assesment publications).
National datasets
Subset of Airbase stations (including urban suburban and rural background stations as well as traffic and industrial sites) passing completeness and quality criteria and selected for the analysis of the European Topic Centre on Air Quality and Climate Mitigation in its report 2015/4 in support of the European Environment Agency:
Zip file with annual values for annual mean O3, PM10 and NO2 as well as JJA mean of MDA8 ozone for the station passing completeness criteria over the 2002-2012 period (updated 20160822).