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metamod:start [2010-05-11 11:56:31]
metamod:start [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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-{{  :logo1_eng_80.gif}}+{{ :metamod:metamod_header.png?nolink& |}} 
 ====== METAMOD 2.x ====== ====== METAMOD 2.x ======
-During 2001/2002, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (METNO) implemented a web based tool (MetaMod) for searching data archived under the NoSerC project ( tool was adapted for the DAMOCLES project in 2006/2007. The web interface and the overall functionality of the tool were very much improved during the DAMOCLES development, and just a small part of the original code base has remained unchanged. Other projects at METNO have also contributed to the development process. The software is now named METAMOD 2.x, to distinguish it from the original MetaMod tool that is still occasionally maintained.+~~NOTOC~~ 
 +{{ :metamod:metamod_preview.png_2.13.png?nolink&400|Screenshot of METAMOD Search Interface }}
-METAMOD 2.x is a portal solution providing Discovery, Access and Retrieve functionality for scientific datasets along with tools for metadata handling etc. Further development of the software is now coordinated with other developement efforts at METNO (e.g Fimex)within the METSIS projectIn the figure below, METAMOD 2.x represents the web portal and metadata database within the wider framework of METSIS:+METAMOD 2.x is a portal solution providing Discovery, Access and Retrieve functionality for scientific datasets along with tools for metadata handling etc. It allows for automatic and manual DAR Metadata creationThe Metadata can be converted to different formats and exposed using different search-interfacesi.e. ISO23950 and OAI-PMH. METAMOD 2.x has been designed to be easily integrable with [[|OpENDAP]] or ftp data-servers, i.e. [[|THREDDS]] and allows data-upload through FTP and HTTP interfaces.
-{{:metamod:metsis-outline.png?600|Outline of how METAMOD is being used.}} 
-The purpose of the METAMOD 2.x software is threefold:  +====== News ======
-  * To manage a local data repository with scientific data files. +
-  * To manage a database with metadata for scientific data sets. Data sets are collections of data files, either in the local repository, or in external repositories. +
-  * To provide a web portal for searching and browsing the metadata database.+
-As additional projects were seen to benefit from using METAMOD 2.x software, a need for making the software independent of a single project emergedThis was obtained by organizing the software in different modules, and by separating all project specific aspects into a configuration fileMETAMOD 2.x now comprise the following modules:+Also see [[|Version history]] and [[|Debian changelog]].
-^METAMODBASE|Metadata database and corresponding administrative tools.| +===== METAMOD 2.14 ===== 
-^METAMODSEARCH|Web based search and browsing facility.| +**2015-11-13** 
-^METAMODUPLOAD|Web based upload facility for data files.+  * ported to Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) and PostgreSQL 9.3 
-^METAMODQUEST|Web based questionnaire for registering metadata.| +  * automatic detection of PSQL version during installation 
-^METAMODPMH|PMH server offering selected metadata for harvesting by OAI-PMH clients.| +  * search API webservice
-^METAMODHARVEST|OAI-PMH harvester client that import metadata from external sources.|+
-The configuration file describes an actual implementation of a web application based on METAMOD 2.x software. First of all, the file lists which of the six modules that are used in the application. Any combination of the four modules is allowed. If the METAMODBASE module is not a part of an application, the configuration file must identify a database owned by another application where the METAMODBASE module is used. In this way, several applications may share the same database. +===== METAMOD 2.13 ===== 
-The software is implemented on a Linux system with Apache web server. PHP is used to implement dynamic web content, and Perl is used to implement tasks not directly involving web content generationThe database is based on PostgreSQL. Metadata elements use controlled vocabularies from GCMD and CF1.0 as well as WMO keywords. Tools for extracting metadata from NetCDF/CF files are part of METAMODUPLOAD. Access to the actual data files are provided as links from the web pages generated by the METAMODSEARCH module+  * dynamic search map using WMS 
 +  * improved support for background maps in different projections 
 +  * support for boolean operatorsphrases and wildcards in text search 
 +  * automatic building and installation of Perl dependencies using Carton 
 +  * support for Ubuntu 12.4 Precise Pangolin and PostgreSQL 9.
 +  * fix for old GetLegendGraphics bug to work with new version of THREDDS 
 +  * upgraded to latest Catalyst version (5.9) 
 +  * easier configuration (lsconf, virtualenv, sanity checker) 
 +  * support for manual configuration and serving static files in Apache (again) 
 +  * WMS search map thumbnails 
 +  * support for custom validators in OAI-PMH 
 +  * support for two-dimensional arrays in timeseries plots and ascii/json download 
 +  * WMS slideshow, frame stepping controls 
 +  * template texts fully customizable per site 
 +  * download external files, generates client file download scripts in various languages 
 +  * support for nGinX and CheckMK 
 +===== METAMOD 2.12 ===== 
-The local data repository is an ordinary file system where files are orginized in catalogs according to institutions (data providersand data sets. The catalogs and files must be accessible through URLs. This can be done using HTTP, FTP, OPeNDAP or a combination of these protocols. The DAMOCLES application use a THREDDS Data Server (giving OPeNDAP and HTTP access). If the data files satisfy OGC standards, THREDDS may also provide OGC WCS access.+  * projection selector and timeslider in wms client 
 +  * visualization of non-gridded timeseries 
 +  * fimex support for reading via opendap 
 +  * subsetting and (experimentalreprojection via OPeNDAP
-====== News ======+===== METAMOD 2.11 ===== 
 +Improved WMS client with many new features: 
 +  * new advanced layer selector with separate legends and time axis 
 +  * multiple transparent daya layers can be displayed simultaneously 
 +  * layers from different datasets and sources can be combined in client using collection basket 
 +  * timeslider allows for animation of multiple layers simultaneously 
 +  * support for many more projections (depending on data source WMS server) 
 +  * added support for WMS 1.1.1 (in addition to 1.3.0) 
 +===== METAMOD 2.10 ===== 
 +  * Simplified installation - now running directly from source, Debian installer 
 +  * WMS visualization of time series, aggregated datasets, collection basket 
 +  * Final PHP module (OAI-PMH) rewritten in Perl 
 +  * Added config defaults, simplifying site administration 
 +===== METAMOD 2.9 ===== 
 +  * Allowing near-realtime data upload 
 +  * Queue system implemented for background jobs 
 +  * Cron scheduling for Harvester, FTP upload 
 +  * Improvements in the metadata backend 
 +  * Each site must now run separate userbase 
 +===== METAMOD 2.8 ===== 
 +  * Stable release using Catalyst/Perl web frontend 
 +  * Hashed passwords for improved security 
 +===== METAMOD 2.7 ===== 
 +  * Technology preview using Catalyst/Perl for web interface instead of PHP 
 +===== METAMOD 2.6 ===== 
 +  * Connecting to [[|SRU2JDBC]] for ISO23950 support 
 +  * Dataset subscription via e-mail and RSS support 
 +  * Improved ISO19115/19139 support compatible with WIS and GeoNetworks  
 +  * WMS improvements 
 +  * User database 
 +===== METAMOD 2.5 ===== 
 +  * WMS presentation of data 
 +  * WMS preview in client 
 +  * Registration of files in existing repository 
 +  * Search in different world-maps 
 +===== METAMOD 2.4 ===== 
 +Internal release number only.
-==== 2008-06-20 ==== +===== METAMOD 2.3 =====
-METAMOD 2.0.0 released+
-==== 2008-12-19 ==== +**2009-11-18** 
-METAMOD 2.1.0 released+  * general text search 
 +  * methods for re-projecting 2D data (fimex) 
 +  * methods for connecting to WMS server 
 +  * module for automatic update of THREDDS catalog. 
 +  * improvements in PMH server and dataset administration.
-==== 2009-03-31 ==== +===== METAMOD 2.2 =====
-METAMOD 2.2.0 released +
-This release implements a two-level view of datasets. At the highest level, datasets representing several files are described. Details of each file are described at the second level.+**2009-03-31** 
 +  * implementation of a two-level view of datasets. At the highest level, datasets representing several files are described. Details of each file are described at the second level.
-==== 2009-11-18 ==== +===== METAMOD 2.1 ===== 
-METAMOD 2.3.0 released+**2008-12-19**
-New features: General text search, methods for re-projecting 2D data, methods for connecting to WMS server, module for automatic update of THREDDS catalog+===== METAMOD 2.0 ===== 
-Improvements in PMH server and dataset administration.+**2008-06-20**
-==== 2010-05-11 ==== 
-METAMOD 2.5.0 released 
-METAMOD 2.4 was not released (only used for internal reasons). Changes in 2.5: Improvements in WMS implementation, support for registering files in an existing repository. Other minor improvements.+[[history|Further history of METAMOD]]
  • metamod/start.1273578991.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)