
This is an old revision of the document!


If you are lucky to run one of the following operating systems, you can install fimex from a package repository, please check the download page.

Fimex requires at least the following libraries to be installed for compilation:

To configure the different file formats or features it requires:

See for build instructions.

The following optimizations have been tried with gcc 4.4 and kd-tree interpolation.

  • -O2 general optimizations like loop-unrolling/inline
  • -mfpmath=sse -msse2 on i386 computers, use math from sse-unit. The build-in FPU is not IEEE conform and performs very slowly (> factor 2) when calculating sqrt(nan). This is already the default on i386-64.
  • -ftree-vectorize -fno-math-errno gives tiny performance gain through auto-vecotrization. -fno-math-errno is required to enable vectorization of intrinsic functions like sqrt.
  • -fno-trapping-math -fno-signaling-nans fimex does not make use of trapping-math or signaling-nans, so this option can safely be switched on. Unfortunately, this does not give any performance gain.
  • -O3 gives no visible performance gain. This should be tested again with newer compiler-versions.
  • -fprofile-generate/-fprofile-use gives a performance gain of ~4%. Since it complicates the build, it is not used by default.

Fimex can be build with OpenMP parallelization support with the configure option –enable-openmp. The following operations are parallelized:

  • interpolation: fill2d (good parallelization on z-axis)
  • interpolation with coord_nearestneighbor (good parallelization in startup)
  • Download the file with testdata: flth00.dat.gz
  • Put this file into the test-catalogue
  • gunzip the file
  • run make test (it will work even without the testdata and skip a lot of tests)

udunits1 does not differ between a date and a timespan, e.g.

$ ./udunits
You have: hours
You want: hours since 2010-01-01 00:00:00
    <hours since 2010-01-01 00:00:00> = <hours>*1 - 78888
    <hours since 2010-01-01 00:00:00> = <hours>/1 - 78888

Therefore, data with two time-axis, e.g. in ForecastModelRuntimeConvention cannot get read proberly. This results in a test-failure:

unknown location:0: fatal error in "test_cs_slicebuilder_reftime": unknown type last checkpoint

*** 1 failure detected in test suite "Master Test Suite"
FAIL: testCoordinateSystemSliceBuilder

If you don't intend to use FMRC, you can ignore this error, otherwise, you should upgrade to udunits2.

If both udunits1 and udunits2 are available on the machine, fimex might prefer udunits1 unless explicitly disabled. To explicitly disable udunits1, use:

./configure --without-udunits --with-udunits2 ...

Under MacOS X strings may come in different flavour for gcc, either static or fully dynamic. Libraries compiled with one type of strings don't work well with programs/libraries compiled with the other type. This might result in an segmentation fault when running fimex with the message:

 pointer being freed not allocated

boost::program_options is affected by this and must be compiled with the same compiler as fimex is compiled, e.g.

  • download boost
  • add using darwin : : g++-mp-4.6 ; in user-config.jam
  • run
    ./ --prefix=/usr/local
    ./b2 install

For more information, see

The boost libraries (1.44) are not compatible with the AIX XL/C++ compiler V10 and we had to compile boost and fimex with gcc to get it working under AIX. This might have been improved with newer versions of the AIX compiler, but hasn't been tested:

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  • fimex/install.1504607838.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
  • (external edit)