
This is an old revision of the document!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I have a felt-file with a variable of type 'short'. fimex abborts with
    change in scaling-factor for parameter: 31,2,1000 consider using float or double datatpye

    What should I do?

    1. While the netcdf-format allows for only 1 scaling-factor per variable, the felt-format can have a scaling-factor per 2d-slice per variable (that are level*time scaling-factors). You should change the type of the variable and its _FillValue attribute from short to float in the file felt2nc_variables.xml.
    2. If you want to save disk-space, and you know that all data of the variable can be subscribed sufficently with a packed short data-array, use the cdmWriterConfig.xml as follows:
      <variable name="31,2,1000" newname="air_temperature" type="short">
        <attribute name="_FillValue" value="-32767" type="short" />
        <attribute name="scale_factor" value="0.01" type="float" />
        <attribute name="add_offset" value="273" type="double" />

      In this example, the temperature will be described with an accuracy of 0.01ºC and a range of -327.66ºC (I know thats below 0K) to 327.66ºC

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  • fimex/faq.1212754323.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
  • (external edit)