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The best available version of WDB is: 0.6rc2

You can install WDB by compiling its source code release directly, or by installing the prepackaged binaries (if there is one for your operating system).

WDB is currently in development toward 1.0; as a result, there is no attempt to keep successive updates compatible. To upgrade, one must uninstall the old version and install the new version.

The latest source release is here: (download).

Be sure to read the general instructions (INSTALL) for building from the source tarball, and the specific instructions within the source code itself.

WDB is dependent on a number of specific components and libraries. Specifically:

  • Postgres 8.1.x or later
  • Postgis 1.1.x or later
  • Boost 1.33.1 or later
  • Log4Cpp 1.0.x or later

In addition, the following libraries are required for the loading programs:

  • ECMWF GRIB API 1.3.x or later (for loading of GRIB files)
  • Felt2Grib Utility (for loading of FELT files)
  • KvalObs System (for loading of observations from KvalObs)

We are currently working on a Debian package of WDB, which we intend to maintain.

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  • wdb/downloads.1201687158.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:29
  • (external edit)