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XML format for dataset descriptions

<dataset xmlns="" ...>                       // Ref. to XML namespace etc.
   <info status="..."                        // Value: active/deleted 
         creationdate="..."                  // YYYY-MM-DDZHH:TT
         drpath="..." />                     // Unique identification
   (EMBEDDED PART - see below)

The EMBEDDED PART has varying content depending on the source of the metadata. If the metadata are produced by the UPLOAD module or the QUEST module, an internal (METAMOD specific) format is used:

   <metamod xmlns="" ...>                          // Ref. to XML namespace etc. (if needed)
         <datacollection_period from="..." to="..." />
         <metadata name="...">value</metadata>     // To be repeated. One element
                                                   // for each name,value pair.

If the source of the metadata is based on some known XML format (like DIF), this format is used in the EMBEDDED PART:

   <DIF xmlns="" ...>
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  • metamod/xml-format.1225287429.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)