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Introducing two levels in the Datasets table

Minutes from discussion between Heiko and Egil 2009-02-17.

A dataset imported to the database through the UPLOAD module represents a set of files. For the time being, each dataset is represented by one record in the DataSet table. To be able to search on individual files, the DataSet table should be extended to encompass records for each individual file. This gives a natural way to divide the records in the DataSet table into two levels. A record on the highest level represents one whole set of files (i.e. a directory), while a record on the lowest level represents a single file.

The 'DS_parent' field in the DataSet table can be used to link a file record to its corresponding directory record (file.DS_parent == directory.DS_id). To distinguish a file record from a directory record, DS_parent == 0 for all directory records.

Each dataset corresponds to a pair of XML files (.xmd and .xml). This convention will be continued. To distinguish between directory datasets and file datasets, a new directory level in the file system is introduced. The current convention uses one directory for each application connected to the same database:


In the new convention a new directory level will be introduced beneath each of these application directories. For example:

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  • metamod/two_levels.1234878814.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)