
This is an old revision of the document!

Open questions for version 2.8

  • Should there be any limits on the size of the collection basket? In the terms of number of file or in the terms of size of the download. Should this be different for logged in and logged out users?
    • There must be a configurable limit of the size of the data when downloading data as archive (zip/tar). The number of items in the collection basket is not limited.
      • The first version should have one limit for subscription-users and one limit for general users.
      • The limit should only be evaluated before creating the archive.
      • As alternative, the user might get a script with a list of 'wget' commands.
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  • metamod/open_questions28.1290176206.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)